
Tiger's eye

Tiger's eye1 Tiger's eye2

Tiger's eye is a quartz that belongs to a group of minerals united under the general name "cat's eye". It stands out from it by its color, which has a characteristic iridescence from golden to brown with a pronounced wave-like pattern. It owes this color to the same needles of inclusions, which, upon oxidation, took on brownish-golden and reddish shades. One of the varieties of tiger's eye is called falcon's eye. Tiger's eye deposits can be found in Africa, Australia, Myanmar, Russia and India.

Tiger's eye: medicinal properties

For medicinal purposes, tiger's eye jewelry is used for complete recovery of the body, especially after serious surgical interventions. European magicians recommend wearing tiger's eye jewelry for the prevention of all kinds of diseases. In addition, tiger's eye is endowed with the ability to lower blood pressure, as well as normalize sleep, relieve nightmares and anxiety. It is also believed that if tiger's eye is applied to areas of the body affected by psoriasis, it can significantly ease life, and sometimes even cure the disease forever. Tiger's eye jewelry worn on the neck can relieve coughing fits during acute respiratory infections, as well as bronchial asthma. It is also used to treat joint diseases.

Tiger's eye: magical properties

Tiger's eye has strong magical properties that have been known and successfully used since ancient times. Considering tiger's eye to be a solar element, tiger's eye jewelry was used to resist the forces of evil, both real: in the form of unkind people, thieves, robbers and murderers, and magical, astral - to get rid of the evil eye, conspiracy, etc. There was a time when tiger's eye jewelry or just pieces of the mineral were worn on the body by warriors, believing that it was able to protect them from injury and death on the battlefield. Today, practicing magicians recommend wearing tiger's eye jewelry on the body in order to protect oneself from danger, as well as to cultivate common sense in the owner. Jealous people are also advised to wear tiger's eye jewelry, because the mineral can help to pacify anger and teach one to control one's emotions. In addition, tiger's eye is considered a "reasonable" stone. It will teach you to separate true desires from imaginary ones, give you the ability to see in the dark, develop insight and bring good luck.

Amulets, charms and talismans made of tiger's eye

If you choose a stone according to your Zodiac sign, then buying jewelry made of tiger's eye is recommended for people born under the sign of Virgo and Gemini. The mineral will help the former to gain inexhaustible optimism, and the latter to develop hidden talents.

Tiger's eye jewelry can become a reliable amulet for people in creative professions, as well as for those who are forced to constantly take risks in their professional activities.

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