
What stone suits Pisces


Representatives of the sign of Pisces are often a puzzle, both for others and for themselves. These sociable, sensitive, friendly and friendly people like everyone around them. Pisces is capable of a deep understanding of others, but to understand themselves they rarely manage. Representatives of this sign "go with the flow".

Pisces is a contradictory sign. They are capable, creative people who do not have a specific life direction in which they would like to develop and grow. Representatives of this sign are not against money and fame, but do not seek them. Pisces is capable of self-improvement and development, but it is available only to the most persistent and purposeful representatives of the sign.

Pisces cannot be in one mood for too long: optimism and inspiration are replaced by depression and apathy, and then the faith in life returns. These people are altruistic by nature and have a strong desire to help others, often forgetting about their own wants and needs.

Among the positive qualities of Pisces such as: gentleness, desire to help others, non-conflict, creativity, hospitality, compassion and sociability. Negative character traits of Pisces: dependence, indecisiveness, depression, excessive gullibility, uncertainty in their own needs and desires.

Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (by decades)

Pisces of the first decade needs strong gems like aventurine, moonstone, blood jasper, amethyst or tiger's eye.Pisces of the first decade (21 February - 1 March) are dreamers and romantics who need change. Saturn, their patron, makes Pisces of the first decade somewhat detached from life and its problems. People born on these dates need strong gems like aventurine, moonstone, blood jasper, amethyst or tiger's eye.

The second decade (from 2 to 11 March) is characterised by honest and open-minded Pisces. The patronage of Jupiter makes Pisces of the second decade sensitive to the recognition of their merits and fame. The following minerals will help the representatives of this sign to achieve these benefits: hair, pearls, heliotrope, coral and opal.

Pisces, born in the third decade (12 to 20 March), is under the influence of Mars. They are sociable, cheerful and slightly capricious people. They claim many benefits of life and try to achieve them on their own. Pisces talismans for the third decade are: diamond, tourmaline, alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, chrysolite and emerald.

Stones for Pisces, amulets and talismans

Talisman stones should give Pisces energy and strength. One of such stones is opal. Representatives of this sign, wishing to be happy in love and family relationships, it is necessary to wear this gem. Idealists and dreamers, who are Pisces, need to have a stone-opal, which will protect them from ill-wishers and envious people. The mineral gives vitality, will increase both psychological and physical endurance. The mental and creative potential of Pisces will also increase opal.

Protecting others, the Pisces part remains defenseless themselves. Gagat as an amulet will help representatives of this sign. The stone will protect the owner from envy, evil eye and ill-wishers. Gagat will increase the resistance of Pisces, will help her in the fight against difficulties. Talisman with gagat will make the owner more prudent and wiser.

Heliodor will be a source of optimism, joy and hope for Pisces. The gem will lift the mood and help the owner to forget about depression and melancholy. Heliodor will reveal the talents of Pisces for society, and for themselves. The stone will increase self-esteem and social status.

Moonstone will give Pisces a calm and good moodPisces has a habit of getting nervous over nothing and panicking. A moonstone will help them calm down. The talisman will comfort, put you in a good mood, relieve stress and show you pleasant dreams.

A talisman with aquamarine will weaken Pisces' shortcomings and teach them to take care of themselves. The stone will restore justice, give dignity and courage. Aquamarine will protect Pisces from excessive waste of energy to help others, in particular, those who do not deserve it in any way.

Jasper will bring Pisces back "from heaven to earth" and promote the acquisition of knowledge.

Talisman with chrysolite will give the representatives of the described sign understanding of their attractiveness, will give confidence and courage.

Pisces is a hesitant and suspicious sign. Responsible decisions are difficult for them. Coral can give Pisces confidence in their own abilities. The stone will help to collect, improve logical thinking and intuition. Coral will help to equalise the mental state. As an amulet, the gem will protect from spoilage, attract love and money. People who wear coral, in life there are many interesting events.

Hematite will come in handy for those Pisces who are going to swim against the usual flow of life. The stone will give energy and will make the owner make only feasible promises. Hematite will prompt the right decision and the right direction.

Pisces female horoscope stones

The rare gemstone cacholong is a wonderful talisman for a woman born under the sign of Pisces. Pearl agate is able to attract happiness and love. This talisman will suit all female persons, regardless of marital status and age. Cacholong will give a woman confidence and teach her to trust.

Aquamarine will give the female representative of the sign of Pisces looseness, courage and self-confidence. The gem will help to maintain mental harmony and calmness, gives strength to achieve their goals.

Moonstone talisman will help a woman born under the sign of Pisces to remember that she is a woman. The talisman will bring back attractiveness, femininity and softness. Moonstone, which was given by a loved one, will serve as a protector of this relationship.
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Pisces male horoscope stones

Amethyst will give confidence to the Pisces man. Pisces men often have a limited inner world, which makes it difficult for them to find a common language with others. Talisman with aquamarine will help the representatives of the sign of Pisces to begin to develop spiritually. The talisman will strengthen intuition and open the mind to new knowledge. Aquamarine will help Pisces to fight intrigues and does not allow you to get stale soul.

Amethyst will help the Pisces Man to believe in himself. The talisman will increase the energy level and restore the organism. Amethyst will teach the Pisces Man to use his strength and will allow him to become a harmonious person. This gem will allow the owner to understand the world and himself.

Pearl jewellery will bring good luck in business to a man born under the sign of Pisces, inspire confidence in his strength and attract financial prosperity. The stone will teach the representative of this sign to care not only about others, but also about themselves.

Stones that are contraindicated for Pisces

Olivine is contraindicated for the zodiac sign Pisces. Virgo stones are capable of harming Pisces. They include: sardonyx, obsidian, jasper, onyx, lapis lazuli, yellow topaz and olivine. Wearing dark or red coloured stones can lead to depression in weak representatives of the sign.

Pisces, as a weak sign, is contraindicated to wear jade. This stone can turn the representatives of the sign into fanatical workaholics. Jade will attract to Pisces loneliness and make it difficult to communicate with others. From the owner of the talisman of jade will make a martyr and sufferer, will make you put your hands down even at the most minor failure.

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