
Jasper1 Jasper2

Jasper is a mixed rock that includes quartz, silica, chalcedony and various mineral impurities that determine the color of the stone. Most often, brown jasper is found with white, red and dark brown veins. However, today there are deposits where orange, green, red, blue and even purple jasper is mined.

This stone is semi-precious and is ideal for creating jewelry, as well as various decorative crafts. In addition, since time immemorial, jasper has been used for decorating rooms and various interior items, including mirrors, floor lamps, vases, etc.

Jasper: healing properties

In the East, the attitude towards jasper is very reverent and respectful, as it symbolizes health and well-being. It is no coincidence that in Japan, a messenger who needed to convey some important message tied this stone to a branch of an azdusa tree, thereby declaring that he had no bad intentions and asked to spare his life. In addition, jasper has pronounced healing properties, helping to stop bleeding, get rid of nightmares and restore peace of mind. It is recommended to buy red jasper for women who suffer from various diseases of the reproductive organs, including infertility. Jasper also helps to cope with stomach diseases, restores memory, stops fever attacks and can even relieve a patient from epilepsy.

Jasper: magical properties

The magical properties of jasper have not yet been fully studied. However, in ancient times, buying jasper jewelry was considered an honor by those who practiced occultism, since this stone helped to gain the gift of foresight. In addition, it is believed that jasper can cleanse thoughts and souls of dark thoughts and direct a person's energy in the right direction. That is why jasper jewelry was often worn by small children who had a capricious character, did not want to obey adults and constantly got into unpleasant stories because of their own curiosity.

In addition, jasper is one of the most powerful amulets for lovers. According to beliefs, this stone helps people maintain mutual feelings for decades, protects them from sexual temptations and the evil eye. Jasper is also a stone of life and can protect a person if someone wants to kill him with black magic.

Amulets, charms and talismans made of jasper

When choosing a stone according to the sign of the Zodiac, it should be taken into account that jasper is energetically connected with the planets Mercury and Jupiter. Therefore, it is ideal for Virgos, Taurus and Sagittarius, helping them to gain self-confidence and life wisdom. But Aries and Gemini are not recommended to wear jasper jewelry.

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