
Hairy2 Hairy1

Hairy quartz is transparent quartz that contains inclusions that are clearly visible to the naked eye in the form of fine hairs or needles of black or golden colour. The colour of these threads is due to the colour of the minerals of which they are composed. Thus, rutile provides the golden colouring of the threads. Such quartz is called rutile quartz. Black sherl or tourmaline gives the threads a black or dark grey colour.

Volosatic is also called Venus' hair or Cupid's Arrows (with golden threads), and having a triangular pattern is called sagenite or sagenite quartz (translated from Greek as "net" or "seine").

Volosatica: medicinal properties

Hairsatic has been known since Ancient Greece as a mineral capable of bringing its owner increased activity and longevity. Today, experts assure that jewellery made of volosatic is able to strengthen immunity and significantly alleviate the symptoms of colds or acute respiratory infections. It also helps to cure any diseases of the throat, asthma and others related to the respiratory system. It is believed that rutile hairsucker can protect against radiation and levelling its effects in the body. Jewellery made of hairsatic with green or grey threads can relieve insomnia and terrible night visions. It also strengthens the nervous system, normalises the psyche and relieves stress.

Volosatic: magical properties

The magic of the hairsucker was believed in as far back as ancient Greece and Egypt. It was used by magicians for their rituals. In Western Europe, it was used to make magic stones that helped to see into the future. Rutile hairstone can open a person's third eye and teach him clairvoyance.

Amulets, amulets and talismans made of hairsucker

The hairsucker helps in love and acquisition of wealth. A person who wears a piece of jewellery made of volosatik is reliably protected from all sorts of hexes and quite real forces. Its abilities extend to already long imposed curses or spoilage. The owner of hairsatica should not worry about anything - the mineral will take everything on itself, clearing from the evil eye and other troubles.

Jewellery made of hairsatic is perfect for creative people who need to realise hidden possibilities and unlock potential. Jewellery made of hairsatic in the form of a brooch, which is recommended to wear on the side of the heart or a pendant will give good luck in love. This effect can be enhanced if a mirror surface was used in the jewellery. As a talisman, a jewellery made of hairsatic will help from the evil eye and spoilage, especially if this jewellery is a ring. However, it is not recommended to wear jewellery made of volosatik all the time. The mineral must be given a rest from time to time simply by removing it.

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