
Unakit1 Unakit2

There are many minerals in nature, the properties of which have allowed them to be used in many areas of human life. Particularly attractive are rocks with unusual colors and good technological qualities. Unakite undoubtedly belongs to them. Unakite stone and its magical and healing properties Its unusual color was first noticed in the Unakas Mountains, located in the United States in the state of North Carolina. The mineral got its name from these mountains. This happened at the end of the 19th century.

The rock is based on granite, modified under the influence of magmatic deep waters with a high calcium content. As a result, magnesium and potassium were displaced and the resulting voids were filled with the mineral epidote, into which mica and hornblende of granite are transformed. Epidote significantly affects the unusual color of unakite and gives it a pronounced textured, often greenish-swamp color. In addition to epidote, the mineral includes calcium feldspar, which has a pink, red-brown or whitish color in the form of peculiar inclusions in the pattern of the stone. The rock also contains colorless or gray quartz. The color largely depends on the percentage of the components. The predominance of one or another component changes the color from greenish-brown to pinkish-red.

The unakite rock is massive and dense and has almost no cracks, representing a monolith. Having a granite origin, it has all the properties of this durable stone. In terms of hardness, the mineral is in the range of 6 to 7 units of the Mohs scale. Density readings are in the range from 2.55 g / cm3 to 2.85 g / cm3. Its chemical composition includes calcium, iron, aluminum, silicon oxide and hydroxide ions.

Mineral deposits

Unakite rocks are present not only in the USA, where it is found in large quantities on the shores of Lake Superior in the form of pebbles and various boulders, and in the valleys when descending from the Blue Mountain Range. It is also found in Russia, mainly on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in South Africa, Brazil, Sierra Leone, Ireland and China. In these countries, it is widely used as a facing and ornamental material, as well as for the manufacture of inexpensive jewelry in the jewelry industry.

Medicinal properties

Certain healing properties of the mineral have been identified for a long time. It is not a panacea for healing any disease, but it helps to heal many diseases and prevents their occurrence. Healers especially widely use unakite to influence the female body when there are difficulties with conceiving a pregnancy. It is used to get rid of obesity and excess weight, because it helps to burn the fat layer in the body.

Unakite beads protect against viral diseases, they are especially effective during flu epidemics.

It has a positive effect on the nervous system, stabilizing its condition and acting as a calming agent. It is not recommended to pass on products made from it to another person; an amulet or jewelry should be worn by only one person with their energy, for whom this stone will become a kind of amulet.

Recently, unakite massagers have become very popular. They are used to eliminate swelling, speed up the treatment of bruises, hematomas, to relieve pain from radiculitis, and in the complex treatment of inflammatory processes.

Magical properties

The influence of semi-precious and precious stones on the human body has been known since ancient times. Their magical properties are not rejected even from a scientific point of view. It is believed that unakite also has a certain magical effect on a person. It helps to establish inner harmony of a person with himself, to neutralize the negative influence of the environment, which is especially important in modern stressful life. A harmonious person is confident in his strengths and beliefs, and this always contributes to success.

It is useful to have unakite for those who cannot say goodbye to the past that prevents them from living, to get rid of melancholy and sadness, and a depressive state. An object made of it helps to recharge with positive energy, which gives additional strength to develop further, aims to overcome obstacles, achieve goals and instills faith in a bright future, strengthens a person's self-confidence.

Citrine amulets, charms and talismans

Astrologers classify the stone as a mineral that patronizes people belonging to the sign of Scorpio. Women of this sign who wear unakite jewelry or have any amulet made of it acquire a unique charm and mystery, and it makes Scorpio men more confident and purposeful, and also helps to overcome complexes. Unakite does not harm other signs either, adding positive energy and independence to them.

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