

Tourmaline1 Tourmaline2

Tourmaline is a subgroup of minerals that belong to the group of boron-containing aluminosilicates. Tourmaline got its name from the Sinhalese word "turmali", which means "multi-colored stone of the magicians". In addition, depending on the location and color, tourmaline is also called dravite, siberite, achroite, rubellite, schorl, indigolite and paraboite. The color of tourmaline depends on its composition. Moreover, some tourmalines of green, raspberry-red, yellow, blue colors, as well as polychrome coloring and absolute transparency are classified as precious stones. The rest are considered ornamental. Tourmaline deposits can be found in Russia, Sri Lanka, the USA, Madagascar and Canada. Green, red and blue tourmalines, which are mined in Brazil, even received their own name: "Brazilian rubies", "Brazilian emeralds" and "Brazilian sapphires".

Tourmaline: healing properties

Tourmaline jewelry is not only beautiful, it also has a pronounced healing effect. It is believed that a tourmaline pendant or beads, if worn all the time, will help in the treatment of the endocrine system. It is worth considering that the healing effect depends on the color of the mineral. Thus, green tourmaline jewelry will help with liver diseases. In Europe, amulets are made of green tourmaline, which, according to legend, helps to reveal talents. Blue tourmaline jewelry is indispensable in the fight against nervous disorders, it helps improve sleep, and also relieves nightmares and insomnia. It is recommended to buy black tourmaline jewelry for people who often suffer from acute respiratory diseases and colds. And blue tourmaline jewelry relieves headaches and helps restore vision.

Modern magicians and lithotherapy specialists believe that tourmaline gives the person who wears it a feeling of peace, happiness and joy, and also increases the body's defenses. It is also credited with the ability to cleanse blood vessels, improve memory and relieve dizziness.

Tourmaline: magical properties

Black tourmaline has been used for centuries by magicians and sorcerers to perform magical rituals. And unlike multi-colored tourmalines, only pure-minded people are recommended to wear black tourmaline jewelry.

Amulets, charms and talismans made of tourmaline

If you choose a stone according to your Zodiac sign, then tourmaline jewelry is a must for people born under the sign of Sagittarius, Capricorn and Leo. For representatives of these Zodiac signs, tourmaline will be a wonderful talisman against any kind of addiction (drug, alcohol or smoking), in addition, it will reconcile them with the outside world and help develop talents. Experts do not recommend wearing tourmaline jewelry constantly. This is due to the ability of the mineral to distort reality, which can harm a person's mental health.

If we take this into account, then tourmaline jewelry can become wonderful talismans for people of creative professions, as well as those who are associated with magic. However, we should not forget about the color of tourmaline. Thus, black tourmaline is a mineral for magicians and sorcerers, and red tourmaline will help artists and poets achieve perfection.

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