Shungite is a transitional rock between anthracite and graphite, resembling coal in appearance but being much stronger. This unique stone, often called carbonaceous shale, got its name from the village of Shunga on Kizhi Island, where deposits of this natural mineral were first discovered.
Shungite: healing properties
Today, shungite is often used in both construction and jewelry production. However, this stone is most widely used in alternative medicine, as it has truly magnificent healing properties. With the help of shungite, you can easily purify water from various impurities and microorganisms, as it is a universal natural antiseptic. It is recommended to buy shungite for those who suffer from skin diseases and are prone to allergies, have problems with the digestive system and respiratory organs. Water passed through a shungite filter is used to treat colds and wash festering wounds. In addition, it is recommended to drink it regularly for those who suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pain and periodontal disease.
Shungite: magical properties
The magical properties of shungite are also unique in their own way. If you buy a shungite decoration and wear it constantly, without taking it off, you can gain peace of mind, get rid of irascibility and uncontrollable attacks of aggression. In addition, it is believed that shungite brings good luck in commercial affairs, so it is recommended to take it with you to business negotiations and keep it with you when concluding financial transactions.
Amulets, charms and talismans made of shungite
Since time immemorial, various talismans and amulets have been made from shungite. It is believed that round shungite balls, if constantly kept at the head of the bed, help strengthen marital ties. Shungite pyramids perfectly protect the home from evil spirits and otherworldly forces. And shungite cubes are usually given to loved ones for good luck, as they will reliably protect their owner from the treachery of ill-wishers, the evil eye and envy.
According to the Zodiac sign, this stone patronizes Sagittarius, Aries and Leo, giving them confidence and protecting them from rash actions. In turn, it is not recommended for Virgo, Libra and Capricorn to use shungite as a talisman, since it can make them irritable, reckless and aggressive. But shungite turns Pisces, who have a creative nature, into pragmatists, capable of calculating each step and, thus, avoiding mistakes, embarking on another life adventure.
Today, this natural mineral is extremely popular, so many people prefer to buy shungite in bulk, using it not only as a talisman, but also as a unique medicinal product.