

Rhodonite1 Rhodonite2

Pink, opaque, often with original dark veins, the gemstone rhodonite got its name in honor of the rose. It belongs to the group of silicates and can have a soft pink, purple, crimson or red-brown hue, which is due to the presence of a huge amount of manganese in the mineral. As a rule, rhodonite is used to create all kinds of crafts, but it also looks great in various jewelry - pendants, earrings, beads and rings.

There are not many rhodonite deposits, and the largest of them, known since the 13th century, is located in the Urals. This stone is also mined in Australia, the USA, Great Britain, Japan, Mexico and on the island of Madagascar.

Rhodonite: healing properties

The healing properties of rhodonite are associated with its beneficial effect on the heart chakra. Traditional healers also use this stone to restore vision. In addition, it is recommended to buy rhodonite for people who suffer from various nervous diseases, insomnia and nightmares. Recent studies have shown that rhodonite can effectively combat various oncological diseases. Also, those who want to cleanse the liver and get rid of colitis should buy rhodonite jewelry.

Rhodonite: magical properties

The magical properties of rhodonite are associated with its ability to reveal various talents in people. That is why this stone is ideal for creative people. It is also believed that rhodonite can improve a person's mood, distracting him from sad thoughts. This stone is recommended to be constantly carried by people who want to achieve universal recognition, since the positive energy of rhodonite forms an attractive aura around its owner.

Amulets, charms and talismans made of rhodonite

As a talisman, rhodonite is rarely used to protect against dark forces. Usually, this stone is used to activate mental abilities - in this case, it is worth wearing a rhodonite bracelet on the left hand. In addition, rhodonite helps to get rid of laziness if you always have a rhodonite keychain or pendant with you. Rhodonite can serve as a wonderful amulet only for creative people who are afraid that they may lose their talent.

If you decide to choose a stone according to your Zodiac sign, you should consider that rhodonite favors Libra and Gemini, helping them in their studies and giving them optimism. But Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgos should avoid rhodonite, as amulets with this stone will constantly provoke them to commit rash acts.
However, today rhodonite enjoys great popularity, being considered one of the safest stones.

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