
Onyx2 Onyx1

Onyx is a type of quartz. The mineral gets its color from various impurities that are arranged in parallel layers, providing an interesting, spectacular coloring. The name of the mineral comes from the ancient Greek word "swell", which means "nail". In addition, it is also known as nogate, sardonyx, carnelian-onyx and chalcedonyx. The color of onyx varies from light green to dark green. A distinctive feature of onyx is its stripes of black, red, brown and white colors. Moreover, the thinner these stripes, the more expensive the mineral. The main onyx deposits are located in Pakistan, the USA, Egypt, Brazil, Afghanistan, Mexico and India.

Onyx: healing properties

This amazing mineral has a positive effect on the entire body. Therefore, it is believed that if you wear onyx jewelry on your body, it will help the body as a whole, since onyx can improve the functioning of all internal organs. Onyx is also considered a good remedy for treating mental wounds. It drives away nightmares and helps in the fight against insomnia. People who suffer from obesity should drink water that has been poured into an onyx glass and left in it for at least a day. Such onyx water helps to speed up metabolic processes and slow down digestion processes, reducing appetite.

Onyx: magical properties

Onyx, according to the way it was treated at different times in different countries, can be called the most controversial mineral. For example, the Arabs considered it an unlucky stone, for which it received its nickname "al jazo", which means "sad". In some tribes living on the Arabian Peninsula, onyx was identified with the eyes of a dead woman, so such a stone in a house or pocket was considered unlucky and they tried to sell or exchange it as quickly as possible. The Chinese, knowing where onyx was mined, avoided the mines, believing that even contemplating unprocessed onyx could bring misfortune. Unlike these countries, in France they believed that a person who independently found onyx cannot be bad, since this stone is not given into the hands of sinners.

The ancient Romans believed that onyx possesses the most powerful energy, but helps only those people who use its power for good. If we talk about the age of the owner of the jewelry, then it should be a mature person. For people of this age category, onyx helps to overcome all difficulties and adversities, and also teaches to look to the future with optimism.

Amulets, charms and talismans made of onyx

Onyx jewelry is suitable for all people, but the mineral brings the greatest benefit to those born under the sign of Virgo. As a talisman, onyx is ideal for leaders, pioneers, and military leaders. It will bring them all good luck, suggest a way out of a difficult situation, and help choose the right path.

It is worth considering, however, that, like agate, onyx can be conventionally called a dog stone. This means that it will faithfully serve only one owner - the owner of the onyx jewelry. At the same time, in order to fully reveal its potential, the mineral must "take a closer look", and when it "understands" that its owner is a good person, then you will not find a stronger and more reliable amulet and talisman. It protects from sudden death, helps make decisions, tells you how to successfully and profitably complete business, how to conduct business negotiations and much more. Having opened up, onyx begins to teach its owner how to achieve the goal as quickly and competently as possible.

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