Jade is a mineral from the hydrosilicate group. The stone got its name from two Greek words: "nephros", which is translated as "kidney" and "lapis" - "stone". There are other names: sacred stone of Ancient China, pounamu, jade (Canadian jade), maorn stone, kidney stone and others. Jade is mined in Russia, China, the USA, Poland, Brazil, Mexico and other countries. Geologists estimate jade deposits as those that are not even half exhausted.
Jade: medicinal properties
Jade was considered a panacea for all diseases. The mineral was worn on the body, amulets, charms for the home and person were made from it, or simply carried as a piece in the pocket. In the Middle Ages, alchemists and healers used crushed jade powder in their practice. It was prescribed for swallowing by patients with almost any diagnosis. Today, jade is used to treat the spine, kidneys, genitourinary system, to facilitate childbirth, and also to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Jade beads will relieve nightmares and insomnia, and ensure a good, sound sleep. Jade can also relieve sprains and heal wounds.
Jade: magical properties
Jade is one of those minerals that no magical ritual can do without. In Ancient China, this was explained simply. Jade, like no other stone, simultaneously represents four elements: Eternity, Wisdom, Earth and Sky. The Aztecs also used jade objects in their rituals, namely, sacrificial knives. Followers of Buddha still believe that Buddha himself sits on a jade throne. The Sumerians actively used jade to make various cult objects. The Mongols decorated sabers and other weapons with jade, believing that they would become invincible, and Confucius called jade a stone-symbol of humanity and goodness. In addition, jade is a mineral that promotes enlightenment of the mind.
Charms, amulets and talismans made of jade
Speaking about the signs of the Zodiac, jade is most suitable for people born under the sign of Libra and Virgo. Jade jewelry will bring them luck in all endeavors. Moreover, a jade bracelet that Virgos will wear on their right hand will bring them family happiness, and if a jade bracelet is worn on the right hand by Libra, the mineral will give them longevity.
A jade ornament can show the right path to its owner. Thus, it is believed that if a stone in a bracelet, beads or ring darkens, this will mean that the owner of a jade ornament has chosen the wrong path and should change it. In addition, jade ornaments can be used as amulets against attacks of otherworldly forces, as well as to attract family happiness and longevity. Moreover, if a jade ornament is set in silver, it can protect against the evil eye. And a red malachite ornament will protect its owner from the fiery element in any of its manifestations.
Jade jewelry was also revered as powerful amulets for warriors and scholars. They protect people associated with military service from injuries, strengthen the desire for victory and give courage. It is believed that a person who carries a jade figurine in his pocket will achieve his goal faster than others. Jade, especially if worn on the finger, will help in career advancement.