

Moonstone2 Moonstone1

Moonstone is a mineral of the feldspar group of translucent, bluish-gray hue. The stone also has other names: moonshine, selenite, adularia, fish eye and peacock stone. The largest deposits of moonstone are located in India and Sri Lanka.

Moonstone: healing properties

For its glow, which in science is called andularization, the mineral was nicknamed moonstone. Of course, it has nothing in common with the celestial body, but the healing properties of moonstone are considered truly unique. Thus, it is believed that moonstone jewelry, which is worn on the body or in the pocket, can smooth out attacks and even cure epilepsy. In addition, moonstone has a very strong calming effect on the nervous system, helping to calm fits of anger and save from unreasonable anxiety. The mineral also helps the smooth functioning of the genitourinary and digestive systems, stimulates the pituitary gland, facilitates childbirth and promotes improved circulation of lymph and other physiological fluids.

Moonstone: magical properties

Since ancient times, moonstone has been used to find pure love. And those who are lonely and cannot find their soulmate should wear a moonstone brooch on the left side of their chest. If you wear a moonstone ring on your left hand, it will help correct the owner's feelings, and also help avoid conflicts and relieve tension and stress. If you put the same moonstone ring on your right hand, it will help to reveal your creative potential. In addition, moonstone is successfully used in meditation to open the subconscious and reveal hidden talents and abilities.

Amulets, talismans and charms made of moonstone

Moonstone jewelry is not recommended for people born under the fire signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. It is not contraindicated for other signs of the Zodiac. It is recommended to buy moonstone jewelry for people born under the sign of Cancer.

As a talisman or amulet, moonstone jewelry is recommended to be worn by people of creative professions: artists, musicians and writers, as it helps to more fully reveal their talents. In addition, moonstone jewelry should be given to lovers, as it helps to awaken tender feelings.

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