
Coral1 Coral2

It is difficult, or rather impossible, to call coral a stone. It is the skeleton of a colony of polyps, also known as akori, bianco, draconite and akbar. Its color depends on the processing method and can be red, blue, pinkish and even black. In its structure, coral resembles a sponge, and with proper processing, coral jewelry has an excellent natural pattern. Corals are mined mainly off the coast of the Mediterranean, the Bay of Biscay, Australia and the Red Sea.

Coral: healing properties

Coral is often used, especially in the East, to treat various diseases. It is sold in the form of green, white and black powder. According to healers, it perfectly restores strength and relieves fatigue. It also helps in the treatment of the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation. Moreover, pink coral jewelry cures insomnia and also promotes rapid relaxation of the nervous system. Coral beads will help a quick recovery from any throat diseases, and will also help with migraine attacks. In ancient times, coral was used to prevent unwanted pregnancy, as well as an antidote to many poisons.

Coral: magical properties

The ancient Greeks believed that corals grant a long and happy life, so among the jewelry of nobles there was always a thread with corals. In addition, pieces of coral were used to decorate the togas of priests and the clothes of confidants. In Europe in the Middle Ages, it was believed that coral jewelry can protect against bad influences, the mineral was considered a symbol of purity and innocence. In Mexico, coral beads are still used by Indians to fight fever. Coral is divided by "gender", dividing coral for women - white and coral for men - red. It is believed that you can not wear coral jewelry that is not suitable for gender, since it enhances gender. Therefore, a man, in jewelry made of white coral, will become more feminine, and a woman - more masculine. In addition, it is not recommended for anyone to constantly wear coral jewelry, since it makes a person capricious and quarrelsome, adventurous. These negative properties are enhanced on the full moon. The ideal time to wear coral jewelry, according to the lunar calendar, is during the waxing moon phase.

Amulets, charms and talismans made of coral

Coral jewelry was used as protective amulets by many nations. To this day, the Italians still believe that wearing amulets made of red coral will protect against the evil eye. And a coral cross, if worn on the body constantly, will protect against any infection.

Coral jewelry is perfect as a talisman for people who often travel, moving from place to place. On the road, coral acts as a protector from violence, as well as all sorts of unforeseen situations.

If we talk about the signs of the Zodiac, then coral jewelry is recommended for people born under the sign of Capricorn - it will bring them maximum benefit. People born under the signs of Cancer and Leo should refrain from buying it.

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