Chalcedony, often called Californian moonstone, is a variety of quartz. This transparent mineral is distinguished not only by color, but also by structure. Carnelian, agate, micrite, stephanic, carnelian, heliotrope - all these are varieties of chalcedony, which can be transparent or cloudy, and also have different shades - from soft blue and gray to yellow, brown, red and pink.
The scope of application of chalcedony is quite extensive. Today it is successfully used in various areas of industrial production as an abrasive, tiles for interior decoration, sinks, countertops, fireplace boards, etc. are made from this stone. In addition, chalcedony has proven itself as an ornamental stone used to create various types of souvenirs. However, this stone has found its widest application in the jewelry industry, and today you can buy chalcedony jewelry in almost any specialized store.
Chalcedony: medicinal properties
The healing properties of chalcedony are quite extensive and unique. This stone is capable of normalizing blood pressure in a matter of minutes and relieving a person of fear. Chalcedony is also worth buying for those who suffer from insomnia, are constantly exposed to stress and easily fall into a depressive state. Chalcedony is also effective in the treatment of nervous disorders, but with prolonged use it can pose a serious threat to human health, as it can disrupt the blood circulation process in the body.
Chalcedony: magical properties
Chalcedony is given a very honorable place in the occult sciences. It is believed that this stone carries the feminine principle, being a symbol of happiness, love and family well-being. Therefore, chalcedony is often used in the creation of love potions, as well as in rituals aimed at strengthening marital ties. In addition, chalcedony is a stone that patronizes sea travelers, it is able to give its owner a feeling of joy and tranquility, self-confidence.
Charms, amulets and talismans made of chalcedony
Traditionally, chalcedony is used to make amulets for married couples who fear the envy of ill-wishers. If this stone is constantly kept in the bedroom, it will help protect the family from falling apart, and will protect them from quarrels and betrayals. In the form of a bracelet, chalcedony is recommended to be worn by those women who want to attract the attention of their beloved. In addition, chalcedony in a pendant is a wonderful amulet for sailors.
When choosing a stone according to the sign of the Zodiac, it is worth paying attention to the fact that chalcedony patronizes Sagittarius, giving them the gift of clairvoyance and strengthening the connection with the cosmos. This is the only sign whose people can wear chalcedony constantly without fear that the stone will cause them harm.