
Blue agate

Blue agate1 Blue agate2

Blue agate or sapphirine is the name given to light blue coloured agate, a type of thin-haired chalcedony. Fossils of blue agate, which are mostly placers, are found everywhere. It is a fairly common mineral, as it was formed as a result of volcanic activity, or rather in volcanic cavities.

Blue agate: medicinal properties

Blue agate is read as a mineral that can improve the state of the thyroid gland up to its complete recovery. In addition, blue agate is considered a harmonising mineral: it creates a mobile protective aura that cannot be penetrated even by electromagnetic vibrations created by switched on household appliances. It also improves the mental state, raises the mood and creates a general health-enhancing effect. Some believe that blue agate can even correct DNA mutations (!).

Blue agate: magical properties

Blue agate is a universal state of harmony, both within and surrounding the space around the wearer of blue agate jewellery. It creates and maintains positive energy and gives a feeling of freedom and purity. It is believed to be able to increase creativity many times over and bring peace, tranquility and love into the life of the lover of blue agate jewellery.

Blue agate amulets, talismans, amulets and talismans

Blue agate jewellery is considered an excellent talisman for people born under the sign of Aquarius, Virgo and Gemini. It is patronised by such planets as Uranus, Venus and the Moon. That is why it gives calmness, poise and love to those who appreciate blue agate jewellery. Blue agate, however, is not suitable for everyone. Those born under the sign of Leo and Capricorn should refuse this magnificent mineral.

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