

Haematite2 Haematite1

Haematite is a mineral of iron. It is a strategic mineral, as it makes up one of the most important ores for mankind - iron ore. In translation from Greek "haimatos" means "blood". It received this name due to its peculiar brown-red-black cast, which resembles the colour of a solidifying drop of blood. Hematite is also known by other names: red ironstone, sanguine, bloodstone and red kidney. The mineral is brownish-red, rarely completely black in colour with a slight metallic lustre. The most powerful hematite deposits today are considered to be in Ukraine, the USA, Switzerland, Russia and Italy.

Haematite: medicinal properties

Haematite has always been considered a blood purifying stone, capable of strengthening and restoring the kidneys, liver and spleen. For maximum therapeutic effect, experts recommend placing pieces of hematite on a sore spot.

Hematite: magical properties

Hematite has always been considered the strongest magical amulet. Its power was used for their own purposes by the magicians of Ancient Egypt, priests of Isis, wearing jewellery made of hematite to protect them from dark forces. In ancient Rome, haematite was also considered a strong talisman. Legionaries were sure to take a polished piece of this mineral with them on the road, as they believed it gave strength, courage and bravery in battle. In magical literature haematite also occupies a significant place, being an obligatory attribute for summoning the spirits of the Elements and protecting the magician from otherworldly forces. Hematite, according to legend, is able to protect from any attacks from the Astral.

Amulets, amulets and talismans made of hematite

Haematite jewellery is an excellent amulet for men, especially warriors. And also for women who hold leadership positions. To them it betrays courage and helps to overcome resistance, both internal and external. Hematite jewellery will also help for professional growth, helping to highlight the important and set aside the unimportant. And a talisman made of haematite can only be set in silver or other metal. It is not recommended to put hematite in gold. Jewellery made of hematite in the form of a ring can bring happiness. The only "but": for this purpose, it should be worn by men on the index finger of the right hand, and by women - on the index finger of the left hand.

If we talk about the signs of the Zodiac, then hematite is the mineral that is most suitable and helpful for people born under the sign of Scorpio and Cancer. It is categorically not recommended to wear jewellery made of hematite for people born under the sign of Pisces, Virgo and Gemini. If you are fond of magic, then beautiful and exquisite jewellery made of hematite should become your calling card.

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