
Charoite2 Charoite1

Opaque charoite is a gemstone of the silicate subgroup. Its color can vary from pale lilac to deep violet and ultramarine, due to the presence of manganese, barium and strontium impurities. However, brown stones are often found, which are very easily confused with cat's eye.

There are not many charoite deposits in the world, and the largest of them today is located in Siberia. Therefore, this stone is of great value for fans of elite jewelry and stylish accessories.

Charoite: healing properties

In addition to its excellent aesthetic properties, charoite is successfully used to treat various diseases. Doctors advise buying charoite jewelry for those who are prone to frequent depression and nervous disorders. In addition, charoite has a beneficial effect on human immunity, helping to restore strength after stress and physical exertion. Charoite bracelets are recommended to be worn constantly by those who suffer from high blood pressure, chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys and genitourinary system, and are often prone to colds and headaches. Also, charoite is worth buying for people who are undergoing rehabilitation after severe physical injuries, as this stone has the property of accelerating the process of bone fusion and muscle tissue restoration.

Charoite: magical properties

Adherents of the occult sciences attribute charoite with enormous magical power. It is believed that this stone expands the boundaries of the worldview, so it is ideal for philosophers, thinkers, clairvoyants. In addition, charoite is credited with the ability to protect its owner from committing rash acts. In magic, charoite is often used to strengthen the connection with the other worlds, so it is an obligatory element of many rites and rituals.

Charoite amulets, charms and talismans

As a talisman, charoite is recommended to be purchased by people of creative professions, an integral part of whose work is inspiration. This stone is rightfully considered a talisman for writers and poets, artists and musicians, actors and speakers. It is also believed that charoite is able to protect people in love from quarrels and betrayals, so the stone is considered a symbol of family well-being.

If you want to buy a stone according to your Zodiac sign, you should remember that charoite is patronized by the planet Venus. Therefore, it is ideal for Virgos and Libras, but is contraindicated as an amulet for Cancers, Sagittarius and Taurus.

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