
Bull's eye

Bull's eye1 Bullseye2

Bull's eye is an opaque semi-precious stone of the quartz family, which can be either light brown or rich chestnut colour. A characteristic feature of bull's eye is the presence of lighter flecks of hematite, which darken under the influence of high temperature, giving bull's eye a peculiar reddish colour.

Bull's eye: medicinal properties

Today, bull's eye is successfully used as an ornamental stone. It is also used to make inexpensive and very attractive jewellery. However, this stone is valued, first of all, not because of its attractive appearance, but because of the healing properties it possesses. Thus, it is recommended to buy bull's eye jewellery for people who suffer from high blood pressure and problems with the digestive system, psoriasis, asthma and pancreatitis. In addition, bull's eye jewellery helps in the treatment of oncological and gynaecological diseases, stimulates the pancreas and perfectly restores immunity. It is also worth buying bull's-eye jewellery for those who are prone to depression and melancholy, suffer from nervous disorders and easily succumb to self-infatuation.

Bull's eye: magical properties

In addition, the bull's eye has unique magical properties. This stone helps to achieve the intended goals and brings luck in money matters, so it is rightly considered a talisman of active and enterprising people. Bull's eye jewellery can make an irascible person, prone to gratuitous outbursts of anger and aggression, more balanced and malleable. Also this stone is a symbol of fertility - in ancient times it was used in special magical rituals to ensure a good harvest and propitiate the gods, who would protect crops from hurricane, torrential rain and drought. In Egypt, the bull's eye was an indispensable element of sacrifice rituals - it was believed that it absorbs the energy of a person or animal at the time of its death, which together with the stone passes to its owner, endowing the latter with extraordinary power.

Amulets, amulets and talismans made of bull's eye

In the form of an amulet, bull's eye is perfect for both women and men, protecting them from infertility, disease and the evil eye. It is also believed that this stone can help to make the right decision in difficult situations. If a person who is active in life suddenly becomes lethargic and apathetic, a bull's eye jewellery will also help to restore the lost strength. However, for lazy people and those who favour an idle lifestyle, using this stone as a talisman is not recommended, because it will bring confusion and anxiety into everyday life, forcing the owners of the stone to take decisive action.

When choosing a stone by zodiac sign, it should be remembered that bull's eye can be worn permanently only by Virgo, Capricorns and Gemini. For all other signs it can be dangerous, as it can lead to physical and moral exhaustion. However, in the case when purposefulness and firmness of character are required, the bull's eye as an amulet can be used by almost any person.

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