

Turquoise1 Turquoise2

Turquoise is a mineral of a heavenly blue, blue, yellowish and greenish-blue hue, dense in texture and completely opaque. It is believed that this beautiful mineral, which has been used for centuries to create jewellery, got its name from the ancient Persian word "firuza", which means "happy". It also has other names: celestial, war stone, Egyptian or Aztec stone.

It is considered unique that turquoise can "age", in the process changing its colour from light blue to dark green. Turquoise is mined in the Caucasus and Africa, the USA and Chile, Australia and Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and China.

Turquoise: medicinal properties

Turquoise is a stone very "close" to a person, capable of feeling it subtly and clearly transmit emotions, as well as the state of health. It is believed that it is turquoise, like no other mineral is able to catch the mood of the owner, his well-being. This stone has the ability to warn of impending illness. It is also known that set in silver turquoise, worn around the neck in the form of a pendant or beads, is able to alleviate diseases such as stomach ulcers, cure severe liver disease and stop bleeding. If turquoise jewellery is set in gold, the mineral will increase the body's defences and normalise metabolic processes. However, it is worth looking at turquoise while wearing it. If the mineral begins to darken with proper care, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Turquoise: magical properties

Turquoise can do a lot of things - this has been known since ancient times. It is able to bring good luck to its owner. In addition, turquoise perfectly protects from enemies, evil eye and disease. It was attributed the ability to subdue anger and try on even the most sworn enemies.

Turquoise is also best suited for establishing affairs of the heart and establishing contact between a man and a woman. In the Middle Ages it was believed that a piece of turquoise secretly sewn into the clothes of a loved one would preserve loyalty and love for many years. And a ring of turquoise, which gave the lover is able to bring its mistress good luck not only in matters of the heart, but also in the career.

Turquoise is the stone of brave and courageous warriors, cunning and shrewd leaders, leaders in essence and in content. It helps to sweep away everything unnecessary and make the right choice. However, and this is very important, turquoise is a mineral "with character". If it "feels" that the person wearing it is plotting something black, bad and dishonest it can punish its owner.

Amulets, amulets and talismans made of turquoise

Turquoise can be an excellent talisman for those born under the sign of Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, as well as Aries, Virgo and Pisces. However, it is necessary to choose the shade of the stone wisely. Sagittarians are best to wear turquoise jewellery of light blue colour, tending towards white. Taurus and Scorpio preferably buy turquoise jewellery of green or close to green shade. But for Aries, Virgo and Pisces it will be most useful to buy turquoise of white colour. Blue colour turquoise is considered universal. It can be worn by representatives of any sign of the Zodiac. The only to whom turquoise jewellery is contraindicated - people born under the sign of Leo.

As a talisman, turquoise is perfect for getting rid of ailments, improving health, attracting prosperity and good luck. Turquoise is also considered a talisman stone for travellers. It facilitates the road and helps to achieve the goal as quickly and safely as possible.

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