Scorpio is considered to be the most complex and energetically strong sign of the Zodiac. Representatives of this sign are stubborn, secretive, bossy, selfish, ruthless and aggressive. They are characterised by such qualities as suspiciousness, vindictiveness, and dissatisfaction with everything that gets in the way.
However, a developed Scorpio, able to analyse himself, is able to overcome these shortcomings, he will have enough strength to minimize all the negative aspects. Such a representative of the sign becomes a wise, noble and strong person who will be able to protect loved ones and become successful in life.
Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (by decades)
Amethyst is a very suitable stone for the zodiac sign Scorpio. Scorpios of the first decade (from 24 October to 2 November) - the most vivid representatives of their sign. These people are under the protection and patronage of Mars. Scorpions of the first decade are self-confident and sometimes selfish, and with age these qualities only gain strength. Stones for people representing this sign should be solid and transparent. Examples of such stones are: malachite, serpentine, amethyst, rock crystal, blood-red jasper and hematite, tiger's eye.
People born between 3 and 13 November belong to the Scorpios of the second decade. These gusty, kind, noble and strong daredevils are under the influence of the Sun. Lucky stones - coral, amethyst, turquoise and sardonyx - will help Scorpions of the second decade to show their best personality traits.
Scorpios belonging to the third decade were born from 14 to 22 November. These are passionate people with a difficult character, in love and generous on the manifestation of emotions. Talented and artistic personalities among them is not uncommon. Stones suitable for Scorpions of the third decade: garnet, aquamarine, heliodor, emerald, beryl, alexandrite and topaz.
Scorpio horoscope stones, talismans
Hematite is an excellent amulet for passionate representatives of the sign of Scorpio. Coral will help Scorpio to escape from the captivity of bad moods, cope with negative emotions and simply enjoy life. This mineral is an excellent talisman for health: it will restore strength and energy, relieve stress. Coral will cool the ardour of the representatives of the sign of Scorpio and will not let get into an awkward situation because of swollen passions. Red coral will promote constructive and rational logical thinking and will make it clear what actions should be done.
Married Scorpio men and women will always appreciate opal, because it protects the harmony of the couple, preserves love, stands guard over fidelity. Opal will teach a jealous woman to chase away bad thoughts and trust her lover. Jewellery with this stone makes the wearer more prudent and wise.
Carnelian will teach intemperate Scorpios to control their emotions more carefully. This stone will also help to attract love in the heart of the owner.
Cat's eye is an amulet for strong personalities. The mineral will be useful only to confident, firm and purposeful representatives of the sign of Scorpio. Since most Scorpions are jealous owners, carefully protecting their property, cat's eye will be useful to them as a hedge against robbery, deceit, theft and treason.
Hematite is an excellent amulet for passionate representatives of the sign of Scorpio. A talisman made of hematite will help to sort out your emotions and feelings, will strengthen sexual energy. Hematite will concentrate the forces of Scorpio in the right direction and will help purposeful movement forward. The stone can tell you how to communicate with your husband and children, and strengthen the ability to understand loved ones, will help develop flexibility of thinking.
Scorpio women's stones are topaz, sapphire, amethyst, garnet
Garnet jewellery will be the best gift for a Scorpio woman. Topaz, set in white metal, will help to cope with the natural scepticism of Scorpio, will teach to see the clues of fate and develop intuition. Gem will not let the Scorpio woman to go about manipulators. Topaz will help the fair sex to preserve their youth.
Sapphire will help a Scorpio woman to get rid of the burden of the past, as representatives of this sign for a long time enough can not let go of the events that happened to them, if they had a strong emotional load. The gem will help to let go of anxious and unnecessary thoughts that poison the life of the owner of the stone. Sapphire will make the mistress more compliant, smooth out the rigid character, will help to establish contact with others, extinguish outbursts of negative emotions and anger.
Amethyst will help a Scorpio woman to control her emotions. Amethyst talisman can give the owner wisdom and improve her memory. It should be remembered that amethyst can only be set in silver.
A garnet is a gemstone that has a purple-red or scarlet hue. It can also be brown, yellow or green. This stone is the best gift for the other half, as it is considered the stone of love. Garnet will increase the attention of a Scorpio woman, thoughts and intentions will make clear and pure. The gem will save from migraine, sore throat and weakness. Skin diseases will be cured by brown or yellow garnet.
Stones for scorpio man - topaz, beryl, ruby, tourmaline
Topaz will be one of the best stones for the zodiac sign Scorpio as a gift. Topaz will be useful as a talisman for young Scorpios who have not yet gained judgement and wisdom. The mineral will help Scorpio to restore emotional balance, will weaken the contradiction, stubbornness, dangerous in communication with people self-confidence of its owner, as well as strengthen insight. Topaz will be able to teach Scorpio to improve and learn about themselves, will direct the energy of the owner in the direction of development, will take away from nervous breakdowns and stress.
Beryl will free Scorpio from accumulated negative emotions, will help in controlling outbursts of anger. A talisman in the form of beryl will remind the owner of his inherent ability to understand and care for others, will not let harm someone, while Scorpio once again for the sake of achieving their goals will intend to go over the heads of others. If the representative of this sign needs encouragement, fortitude or a sense of power, beryl will find hidden resources that will help strengthen Scorpio, restore its strength, awaken determination and willpower.
Ruby is a suitable talisman for a Scorpio man. The gem will eliminate the effects of stress, increase both spiritual and physical strength. Ruby will not allow the Scorpio man to slip into depression or fall into despondency. If a Scorpio man is prone to self-education, he simply needs to wear a ring with a ruby. The talisman will help to be sure of himself and his decisions. Ruby will bring luck to those who have aspirations to conquer the tops of politics or business.
Often aggression in Scorpio finds an outlet in the wrong place, at the wrong time and in the wrong situation. Tourmaline is able to calm the owner, will relieve the tension, directing his negativity in the right direction. Scorpio man persistently goes to his goal, not giving himself indulgences. A talisman made of tourmaline will teach the owner to enjoy the benefits already achieved and help him relax. Black or dark red mineral will help to achieve demand and recognition for creative individuals. Happy relationships in the family will help to restore tourmaline.
Stones that are contraindicated for the scorpion
Amber is not good for people of Scorpio horoscope. Such stones as diamond, agate, amber, onyx, emerald are not suitable for the representatives of this sign.
Pearls are strictly contraindicated for Scorpio! The fact that this sign vitally needs the energy boiling around him, he likes to be in the epicentre of passions, and pearls turn his life into a calm stagnant swamp, in which there is no room for shaking and adventure.
Scorpio, who owns amber, will lose purposefulness, will to win and perseverance. Amber and agate will feed on the energy of the representative of this sign, giving nothing in return.