Representatives of Aquarius are creative idealists. Their life is unthinkable without optimism and helping others. Aquarius is a rather calm sign, which has no desire to fight, but there is a desire to do their own thing.
Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (by decades)
Stones - talismans suitable for Aquarians of the first decade: jade, amethyst, obsidian, jasper, serpentine, aventurine and pearls. Aquarians of the first decade (21 January - 1 February) are calm and quiet romantics. These people are often prone to bad moods and melancholy. Aquarians of the first decade are attracted in love by Venus, the patron planet. Representatives of Aquarians of this decade need stones that will give courage and energy. Stones - talismans suitable for Aquarians of the first decade: jade, amethyst, obsidian, jasper, serpentine, aventurine and pearls.
Mercury's ward, Aquarius of the second decade, celebrates its birthday from 2 to 11 February. Thanks to their worldly wisdom, sense of humour and sharp mind, these people will always achieve respect and recognition. Aquarians of the second decade will be suited to such stones as onyx, lapis lazuli, amber, turquoise, amethyst, sardonyx and chrysoprase.
Moon Aquarians born in the third decade - from 12 to 20 February - appreciate the truth and easily get away from those who deceived them. To these people, restraint and sensitivity can prevent them from achieving high peaks. Talismans that can support Aquarians of the third decade: chrysoprase, tourmaline, sapphire, garnet, zircon, aquamarine and alexandrite.
Aquarius talisman stone
A strong love amulet for Aquarius will be rose quartz. Light-coloured quartz is one of the best talismans for Aquarius. A strong love amulet for representatives of this sign will be rose quartz. Aquarians are often prone to depression and easily give in to despondency. Quartz will help to gather strength, support self-confidence and overcome all troubles. For creative Aquarians, this stone will enhance their creative abilities, keep them inspired, and help them to open up to the end. This stone as an amulet will protect from injuries and accidents.
Harmonious spiritual development of Aquarius will be helped by sapphire. This gem will awaken interest in knowledge, will bring to mind thoughts about the eternal, will make you think more about life. Aquarius does not imagine his life without a spiritual component, without it he feels completely happy. However, this sign is often underdeveloped spiritually. Here Aquarius will come to the aid of sapphire. This mineral will be a source of self-confidence, courage, spiritual strength. In difficult moments of life sapphire will rush to the search, and in the future to achieve the goal of life, protect from lies and falsehood.
One of the gems with the strongest magical properties is volcanic glass or obsidian. This mineral is associated with the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. Obsidian will turn Aquarius away from evil people, get rid of addictions, help to gather for study or work and concentrate the attention of the representative of this sign to achieve the desired goal. This mineral is also able to protect from a dishonest act, but it is not recommended to wear it all the time - it can make Aquarius too timid.
Amethyst will help Aquarius in times of loss of strength, lost hope and longing. Amethyst will come to the aid of Aquarius in the case of loss of strength, lost hope and during the time of longing. This gem will contribute to the revival of optimism in the soul of representatives of this sign, will give faith in themselves and give the opportunity to win. As an amulet this mineral will protect Aquarius from wicked competitors, simple envious people, as well as from his own stubbornness. Amethyst gives insight and will strengthen intuition.
Aquarius can use agate to suggest the right solution in extreme situations. It will also protect from curses and evil eye. This stone will help with colds and stomach ailments.
Hyacinth will help Aquarians to adjust to the struggle and accept the inevitable. This gem is indispensable when circumstances require total control and radical change of plans. Representatives of this sign, who have changes in life at least a lot, a ring with hyacinth on the middle finger will not let fall into despair and will keep from melancholy.
Aquamarine will be the guiding stone for Aquarius. It is the gem of justice and friendship, the stone of those who love to travel.
Aquarius birthstones for women
Aquamarine will remove the rose-coloured glasses from the Aquarius woman and help her to make the right choice in her personal life. Aquamarine will remove the rose-coloured glasses and help her to make the right choice in her personal life. Amethyst, as an amulet, will help her to understand the people around her, to maintain a positive climate in the family and easily join any team. The gem will help to develop strong-willed qualities, will give strength. Amethyst is useful for women who dream of having children.
A married Aquarius woman should have at least one piece of jewellery with a pearl. The metal in which the pearl is set is not so important, the main thing is the natural origin of the stone. Pearls will help to avoid conflicts, strengthen relationships within the couple, direct to the preservation of family values. Wearing pearls Aquarius Woman will become more reverent and tender. This stone will help her to temper her pride.
Aquarius women love loneliness and constantly dream. Representatives of this sign idealise their chosen ones, and once they know his shortcomings, they easily part with them. Aquamarine will remove the rose-coloured glasses from the Aquarius woman and will help her to make the right choice in her personal life. The gem has the property to protect from mistakes. Amethyst talisman will help Aquarius women to show their emotions and reveal themselves to their loved ones.
Amber will help the Aquarius Woman to strengthen her self-confidence, give optimism, give vigour and strength, strengthen intuition. The gem will contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty. Amber will spiritualise and awaken altruistic tendencies.
Aquarius male stones
The best love talisman for Aquarius man will be black agate. Aquarius males need the attention of women. Agate will help the representative of this sign to achieve their goals. The best love talisman for them will be black agate. This gem will turn the dry Aquarius Man into a real ladies' man. Yellow and white agates will help to soften the rigid character - Aquarius Man will become easier to communicate and kinder. Grey gems will help resolve conflict, avoid quarrels and gain friendship. Talismans with agate will reveal secrets, shed light on deception, will contribute to the disclosure of intrigue.
Aquarius men are often unable to influence the negative sides of character and change themselves. A talisman made of jade - writing utensil or table figurine - will help in this. Jade amulet will raise Aquarius male to a new spiritual level. Representatives of this sign begin to work harder on themselves. Jade will give Aquarius confidence in their abilities, will convince of success, will contribute to financial stability.
All Aquarius males are innovators, revolutionaries and inventors. These people constantly need to break, change, improve and build something new. Sapphire will be an excellent talisman for men born under the constellation of Aquarius. The gem is suitable for optimists who seek new experiences and knowledge. A talisman with sapphire will help the Aquarius Man to bring things to a logical conclusion. The representative of this sign, wearing a sapphire amulet, has enough strength to defeat any opponent.
Stones contraindicated for Aquarius
The stone onyx is contraindicated for Aquarius. Aquarius is contraindicated with the following Lion stones: onyx, rock crystal, carnelian, topaz, chrysolite, zircon, sardonyx, opal and golden quartz.
An Aquarius woman who is married is undesirable turquoise.
Diamond will make Aquarians even more stubborn and fanatical.
Citrine will enhance both the positive and negative character traits of Aquarians.