
Stones for Libra


Representatives of the sign of Libra are extraordinary, fickle, impulsive, fickle people with constantly changing moods. They have a high IQ and well-developed intuition. A dispute with Libra can be endless - they will always find an argument to oppose the opponent. Periods of great activity representatives of this sign need to alternate with rest, otherwise there is a risk of overwork.

Libra is able to gain respect and attract people. Representatives of this sign is extremely important to feel their need. The negative side of this property - a kind of duplicity, Libra seek to please everyone, and for this have to be different.

Among the merits of Libra are such qualities as kindness, sincerity, prudence, fairness and sociability. As disadvantages of Libra can be called indecisiveness, laziness, power coupled with weak will, fear of loneliness, dependence on other people's opinions, narcissism.

Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (by decades)

Libra of the first decade can use a diamond as an amulet. Libra of the first decade (from 24 to 2 October), gentle, benevolent and soft, are influenced by Venus. Often these people lack the hardness and strength to defend themselves. Stones suitable for Libra in the first decade: jasper, lapis lazuli, quartz, rock crystal, amethyst, malachite, moonstone and diamond.

Libra born in the second decade (from 3 to 13 October) is patronised by the planet Saturn. These people are modest labourers, working for the good of the family or society. They are not in the habit of demanding fame or money for their labour. Libra second decade indispensable stones that will teach the representatives of this sign to spend more time on their loved ones, without feeling remorse. Examples of such stones are zircon, emerald, amethyst, opal, ruby, topaz, tourmaline and sapphire.

The planet Jupiter protects the representatives of the sign born in the third decade (from 14 to 23 October). These are the most refined natures who appreciate life and its benefits. Libras of the third decade are suitable for such stones as aquamarine, diamond, tourmaline, sapphire, topaz, ruby, chrysoprase, beryl and emerald.

Stones for Libra, talismans and amulets

A bracelet with beryls as a talisman is suitable for Libra. Lapis lazuli will make Libra luckier and more persistent, will help to achieve success in the chosen activity. This stone will help the owner to prove himself. Jewellery with this stone will strengthen friendships and love relationships, give happiness and joy. Lapis lazuli is able to set the owner to rest and relieve emotional stress.

Diamond is a symbol of transparency and moral purity of Libra. It is one of the main stones of this sign. He will be able to give the owner the necessary firmness of mind, which will allow you to make independent decisions. Diamond is an amulet, ways to reflect the negative energy directed towards its owner. This mineral will push the representatives of the sign of Libra in the right direction and will stimulate their activity.

Beryl will strengthen family and friendship ties. This mineral is an excellent amulet for representatives of the sign of Libra. It will establish balance, so necessary fickle nature of the host, and will establish internal balance. Beryl will help Libra in scientific and philosophical research, favourably affect the mind and thinking of the owner. The mineral will protect Libra from danger on a long journey.

Coral will help to save youth and take care of the skin. It is one of the best amulets for the fairer sex of the sign Libra. Talismans with coral will give the host the ability to think quickly, rationally, as well as to form their own point of view. Coral will protect from evil people, spoilage, envy and the evil eye.

Tourmaline will save Libra from the duality of actions and thoughts, will help to be a whole person. Tourmaline talisman will give the opportunity to make independent decisions, not depending on the fickle mood. Owners of this stone are balanced and calm, as this mineral will create harmony between the internal flows of energy.

Sapphire will contribute to the resilience of Libra. With it, the representatives of this sign will be able to resist all bodily and mental ailments. Sapphire will extinguish negative emotions, such as hatred and anger. A talisman made of this stone will protect from treachery of both enemies and friends.

Amethyst will stand on guard of mental balance, gives prudence and calmness. Amethyst talisman will strengthen resistance to various temptations (including drugs), protect from harmful influences from the outside, diseases, evil fate, nostalgia, evil eye and magic, protect from violent passions.

Amber, worn on the index finger, can be very useful for representatives of the sign of Libra. This stone will help to make the right choice in love relationships and friendship, as well as attract the attention of the object of desire.

Stones for Libra women

Malachite jewellery gives harmony and attractiveness to Libra. Opal will balance the fickle mood of a Libra woman and give stability. It is a stone of loyalty and reliability.

The stone of peace and good fortune - turquoise - will protect from the evil eye and bring happiness. This stone is able to extinguish quarrels and enmity, protect in travelling.

Beryl will make a wonderful amulet - this stone has powerful protective properties.

Amethyst, set in silver, will strengthen the will of the weak sex of the sign of Libra, also this stone has the property to drive away bad thoughts. Amethyst can bring happiness to its owner.

Malachite jewellery gives harmony and attractiveness, which is exactly what women of this sign lack. This stone will have a favourable effect on the creative potential of its owner. Malachite can also slow down aging.

A cat's eye talisman can protect against negative energy.

Stones for Libra men

A ring with aquamarine will be a good talisman for men of Libra sign. Aquamarine stabilises the mood swings of Libra. This amulet will contribute to the establishment of any kind of relationship. Thanks to this stone, Libra is able to pull themselves together, gather themselves and do not let bad moods and negative emotions spoil relationships.

Opal will bring its owners friendship, harmony and peace, will smooth the transitions from apathy to activity. A talisman made of this stone will not let the representatives of the sign of Libra to fall into extremes, will keep from various abuses. It is with the help of opal that Libra will be able to redirect its energy to good deeds.

Tourmaline will reduce the variation of behaviour and moods of the fickle sign. This amulet will give optimism, faith and hope for the best. Tourmaline will gently return from heaven to earth "flying in the clouds" representatives of Libra, so that they relentlessly achieve success and brilliantly cope with their affairs.

Zircon will help in business, will give persuasiveness in business negotiations and endow with eloquence. This talisman attracts favourable offers and financial benefits. A ring with zircon will help Libra to make the right decisions quickly.

Beryl will return strength, optimistic mood and vigour to Libra.

Stones that are contraindicated to the sign of Libra

Red carnelian does not suit the Libra horoscope at all. It is contraindicated for Libra to wear jewellery with onyx and serpentine.

Since the sign of Libra is the opposite of Aries, Libra should not wear jewellery suitable for Aries, for example: carnelian, rhodolite, sardonyx, hematite and the vast majority of stones with bright red, bloody colouring.

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