
Stones for Cancer


To understand which stones are suitable for Cancer, it is necessary to first understand their personality traits, goals and life orientations. Cancers themselves are sensitive, calm and homely people. The element of Cancer is water, this sign is ruled by the Moon and the Sun. Representatives of this sign do not forget the past, but, on the contrary, find their refuge in it.

Cancer is an extremely emotional sign, although it is unlikely to show at least half of their experiences. Representatives of this sign are prone to melancholy and frequent mood swings. Distinctive features of Cancer: responsiveness, ability to empathise and sympathise. Cancer will never leave you in trouble.

Cancers are people with an extremely developed parental instinct. Affectionate and gentle, representatives of this sign see a strong family as the main goal of their life. Crayfish honour traditions and customs, so among them there are few people who like change. Representatives of this sign are extremely careful with money: they know how to earn and save, but the latter happens because of their pessimism and expectation of problems.

The main advantages of Cancer can be called perseverance, kindness, compassion and intuition, the disadvantages - irritability, self-indulgence, often low self-esteem, secrecy, disbelief in their own strength, susceptibility to other people's influence.

Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (decades)

Cancers born in the first decade (21 June - 1 July) are patronised by the moon in everything. Kindness, affection, receptivity and sensitivity help these people to remain favourites with everyone around them. Clear, crystalline, natural stones such as hematite and rock crystal, carnelian, certain types of jasper, moonstone and amethyst are suitable for them.

Cancers of the second decade, which lasts from 2 to 11 July, are a little cynical - this is a help in their commercial affairs. For these Cancerians, the world seems to be a huge mystery, which they try to solve. Chrysoprase, turquoise, heliotrope, pearls, chalcedony and sardonyx are the charms of the second decade.

Cancers born in the third decade (12 - 22 July) are patronised by the Moon and Neptune. The path of these people is creativity, magic and science. Ruby, aquamarine, beryl, emerald, tourmaline and emerald are suitable for the irredeemable romantics, the sublime and sensitive of this decade.

Stone talisman for cancer

Ruby suits the zodiac sign of Cancer. Ruby will strengthen the heart of the wearer, give mental strength and courage. Ruby will help to banish depressive thoughts. It is believed that this particular stone helps to concentrate sexual energy. Ruby can inspire the owner - Cancer to great achievements and good deeds.

The vast majority of cat's eye jewellery is considered to be amulets. In particular, it was believed that the cat's eye protects from cheating and is able to preserve love. With the help of this stone, Cancer will be able to attract attention to itself, to establish relationships with others, as well as improve mutual understanding.

Moonstone is strongly associated with the Moon, the patroness of Cancer. The stone is able to absorb lunar energy and free Cancerians from the mood swings associated with the lunar cycle. Moonstone is worn to attract feelings into your life - this stone attracts love. It is also able to tame the anger of its wearer, to release from emotional tension.

Emerald is a stone of equanimity, wisdom and hope. Emerald jewellery can dispel idle worries and relieve you of self-consciousness. These stones attract wealth. Emerald will dispel bad dreams and melancholy of Cancer.

Pearls are considered a talisman of family people. This stone is able to repel negative energy, protect from ghosts of the past, quarrels, repel negative energy and protect from envious people. It is interesting that this stone is a kind of "barometer" of the mood of its owner - when it worsens, the stone darkens.

Heliotrope will help to establish contact with people around you. This stone will keep Cancer from illness, share strength and energy. Heliotrope is able to shield the owner from external negative influences.

Female Cancer Stones

A Cancer woman is suitable for pearls according to her horoscope. A Cancer woman who wears chalcedony on her little finger will be spared from attacks of melancholy and anger. In the old days, there was a belief that this stone can attract a young man's heart to a girl. Chalcedony is the most powerful amulet for women of this sign, but to wear it constantly is not recommended.

Contemplation of pearls brings peace and calms the psyche. This stone, set in silver, will serve as a wonderful jewellery and amulet for a Cancerian woman. It is this stone can give mental balance to the fair sex. It is worth remembering that this stone is an amulet only for married women, it is not recommended for unmarried women.

Amethyst is considered to be a stone of purity and purity. It can be presented to a creative and successful Cancer woman in a ring. A pendant with turquoise will help to make a career for the representative of the fair sex of this sign of the zodiac.

Agate will give courage and self-confidence to a Cancer woman. You can wear it as a bead or an amulet.

To relieve the inner tension of a susceptible girl - Cancer will help moonstone.

Aventurine will help a Cancer woman to maintain a joyful mood, aquamarine will contribute to mental balance.

Hematite will help a Cancer woman to become wise and brave.

The most powerful Christian amulet is heliotrope. Being in the earrings of a Cancer girl, it will remove obstacles and give courage to the fair sex.

Stones for a Cancer man

Emerald is suitable for a Cancerian man. Onyx is the stone of strong, assertive, self-confident people, leaders. It is the strongest, courageous and decisive stone of this sign of the zodiac. It will help the male Cancer to break out of the captivity of the influence of surrounding people and eternal pessimism. Onyx will make the young man - Cancer socially successful, brave, strong and resilient.

Agate is one of the varieties of chalcedony. This stone will help Cancer to cheer up and believe in themselves. Agate will weaken the negative aspects of this sign, such as negativism, pessimism, low self-esteem, vulnerability and insecurity. This stone will help the Cancerian to go bolder in life, to become happier, to learn to achieve their own and less often remember the negativity.

Emerald will help Cancer to overcome his stiffness and excessive reticence, will make him more interesting. This stone is able to help the young man - Cancer in controlling his emotions. Emerald will calm down at the moment of tension, get rid of melancholy, bring joy to the life of this zodiac sign.

Carneol will help to develop the talents of a Cancerian man. This stone will attract justice and luck, protect from negativity and give its owner insight. Carneol is not a helper in the fight against depression, but it can encourage its owner to be more active and confident, to pay attention to how you can live happier and more successful.

Stones that are contraindicated for cancer

Since Cancer is a representative of the water element, it is suitable for him shimmering transparent stones. Cancer is not very suitable stones of bright red colour and monotonously dark, as they have a negative effect on the representatives of this sign, and can do much harm. Stones with strong external energy, such as topaz, garnet and diamond, are contraindicated for sensitive Cancer.

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