Representatives of this sign love communication and universal attention to their person. Sagittarians are extremely sincere and truthful, and their directness they often make enemies. This sign does not tolerate control: these people must necessarily be independent.
The main mass of Sagittarians are conservatives who do not like to change the established order of things, it is easier for them to adjust to it. Sagittarians are generous and magnanimous, they will willingly help those who need their help.
Sagittarians are often idealists: they do not tolerate violence and lies, the greatest value for them is freedom, sincerity and justice.
Among the positive character traits of Sagittarius are sincerity and honesty, independence, optimism, energy, passion and sense of justice. The disadvantages of Sagittarius are fear of responsibility, which limits their own freedom, carelessness, inability to make plans, excessive edification, sometimes stinginess.
Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (by decades)
The stone turquoise suits Sagittarians perfectly according to the horoscope. Sagittarians, born from 23 November to 2 December, belong to the first decade under the influence of the planet Mercury. These people are fearless hunters and brave fighters for justice, who can easily get involved in adventures or find adventure. Sagittarians of the first decade are suited to such gems as: tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, blood jasper, amethyst, agate and quartz.
Sagittarians belonging to the second decade (from 3 to 12 December) are subject to frequent mood swings. Representatives of this decade are creative people who will be able to show imagination even in an uninteresting and boring case. Gemstones suitable for Sagittarians of the second decade: chrysoprase, hairsucker (second name - rutile quartz), onyx, opal, turquoise and chalcedony.
Sagittarians, born in the third decade (from 13 to 21 December), are able to persistently and relentlessly pursue their goals and love to live beautifully. Representatives of this sign constantly surround themselves with favourite people and luxurious things. Sagittarians of the third decade will like hyacinth, ruby, chrysolite, sapphire, garnet, zircon, emerald and topaz.
Sagittarius talisman stone
Garnet is considered to be the main talisman and amulet of Sagittarius. The gemstone will help representatives of this sign to get to the top of the career ladder in a short time, to achieve fame and power. Pomegranate will keep away from natural disasters, keep in a long journey, protect from magic and the evil eye.
The "stone of psychologists", capable of developing intuition, is topaz. This stone, worn in a brooch or pendant, will bring happiness, as well as constancy in family life and love affairs. This gem is essential for those who watch their outer attractiveness. Optimisation of metabolism, regulation of appetite, preservation of youth are the tasks that topaz will perform. This gem will give its owner a positive attitude to life and a sea of good mood.
Chrysolite will balance and calm the passionate nature of Sagittarius. This sign usually has a large number of envious and ill-wishers in its circle, as they are extremely straightforward and honest. Chrysolite will be of invaluable help to Sagittarius in attracting supporters, and will also help to avoid many conflicts. Chrysolite talisman will be able to instil confidence in the future, normalise the nervous system and favourably affect the internal state of the owner, as well as drive away bad dreams and unpleasant thoughts.
Tiger's eye will enhance the positive aspects of Sagittarius' character and help minimise the negative ones. A talisman with this stone is the best helper in the fight against apathy and laziness, it is like a magnet that attracts good luck, prosperity and success to the owner.
A turquoise talisman can help Sagittarius to build strong relationships, help him in his studies and all endeavours. Turquoise will save its owner from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. Talisman of this stone is able to help Sagittarius to build strong relationships with new people, as well as to maintain existing contacts. Representatives of the sign of Sagittarius are mostly optimists who need additional reserves in order to get what they want. Turquoise will be able to give them the necessary confidence in their own abilities, while taking away excessive carelessness.
Sagittarius will be assisted in learning by sapphire. It will also give Sagittarius informal, hidden power over people. Sapphire is able to ignite the flame of creativity in its owners, to teach an extraordinary, special outlook and perception of life. Sapphire will protect the representatives of this sign from laziness and fear, will strengthen the virtue of the owner, will give him strength for spiritual perfection.
Ruby will increase the attractiveness of Sagittarius in the eyes of others, and will increase his abilities in leadership. A talisman with this stone will also help in getting rid of the fear of responsibility and doubts.
Sagittarius woman's birthstone
Sagittarius woman to wear a ring with sardonyx is perfect. If you want to improve the financial situation of your Sagittarius friend, then give her a bracelet with a tiger's eye.
A sapphire pendant will help the Sagittarius lady to have less conflict with others. A ring with sardonyx will be to the liking of a woman who loves travelling.
Sagittarius man's birthstone
A ring with amethyst is suitable for a Sagittarius man. Sagittarius men from childhood have a desire to gain new knowledge and develop their skills. Usually he absorbs information quickly enough, but very rarely finds its practical application. Amethyst will help everyone whose activity is connected with intellectual labour. To a Sagittarius man the stone will help to strengthen the mental potential and will have a favourable effect on the ability to concentrate. This stone will be able to cut off from the strong half of the representatives of the sign of all tricksters, deceivers and intriguers who want to use the gullibility and honesty of Sagittarius men for their own purposes.
Obsidian will have a favourable effect on all internal organ systems, especially the reproductive system. This talisman is suitable for a Sagittarius man, as it is a stone of energy and strength. Obsidian is able to subdue aggression and flame in the heart of Sagittarius. Products made of volcanic glass are able to protect their owners from conspiracies, evil eye and spoilage.
Zircon will restore the inner strength and self-confidence of despairing Sagittarians, as well as revive their optimism. This stone, as well as the Sagittarius man himself, is on the guard of justice, opposes deceit and any manifestation of lies. Zircon will strengthen Sagittarius' already excellent leadership qualities, improve his ability to communicate, and sharpen his mind.
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Stones contraindicated for Sagittarius
Black opal is best not to be worn by Sagittarius, it is not his stone. Sagittarians are not recommended to wear the stones of the opposite sign, Gemini. The duality of air stones will be of dubious benefit to Sagittarius, threatening to fan his flames into a fire that will destroy everything around him. Examples of such stones are alexandrite and pearls.
Black opal can instil insecurity and endless unreasonable fears in Sagittarius. This stone will draw them into a world of unrealistic fantasies and distract them from real projects that are waiting to be realised.
Sagittarius, a lover of change, should not have jade trinkets and jewellery around them. There is a possibility that this stone will push Sagittarius to rash actions and increase the craving for abrupt changes in life. Jade can also bring loneliness to Sagittarius, who already has a hard enough time finding a mate.