
What stone suits Capricorn


Capricorn is a sign resistant to outside influences, hard-working, judicious, responsible and persistent. Love for leadership he has not because of the desire for power, but because he considers himself better than many. This inflated self-esteem is not a bit of beauty of representatives of this sign, in addition, it often depresses others. However, Capricorns it will help in achieving the goal.

Capricorn is a purposeful sign, it has enough strength and faith to go to the goal for quite a long time. Cautiousness and prudence are among the main qualities of this sign. People born under the sign of Capricorn, have a tendency to analyse and reflect, they carefully think through their plans.

When it comes to Capricorn's work or his plans, he shows enviable selfishness, but for close people Capricorn is extremely generous and always without hesitation ready to run to the rescue. Representatives of this sign badly hide love and devotion to the family.

Choosing a birthstone by date of birth

The patron saint of Capricorns of the first decade - from 22 December to 2 January - is Jupiter. Representatives of this decade go through life confidently and calmly, along the way digging material and useful knowledge. Capricorns always have their own opinion on everything and are helped by quite powerful semi-precious stones: agate, serpentine, rock crystal, amethyst, blood jasper, malachite and tiger's eye.

The second decade lasts from 3 to 13 January. Capricorns belonging to the second decade know how to enthuse those around them. However, having lost incentives for activity, they can turn into boring homebodies. Heliotrope, sardonyx, chalcedony, onyx, opal and chrysoprase can light a fire inside Capricorn and give them a push to action.

People born between 14 and 20 January belong to the Capricorns of the third decade. They are patronised by the Sun. Capricorns of the third decade need stones that can energise them. Sapphire, opal, tourmaline, garnet, ruby, alexandrite, zircon and hyacinth will help in fruitful work, which the representatives of this sign love so much, and will not let them lose their ardour in the process of activity.

Capricorn talisman stones

Opal will instil confidence in Capricorn, teach it to draw strength and make the representative of this sign more interesting. Opal will eliminate and weaken some unpleasant character traits of this sign of the Zodiac: boredom, selfishness, tendency to depression. The gem will instil confidence in Capricorn and calm it down. Opal will teach to draw strength from communication with people and make the representative of this sign more interesting.

Capricorn, as a sign that aspires to the heights of financial prosperity and power, will suit ruby. It will give determination and courage, will help to win the respect and trust of the team. Gem will protect from envy, protect from violence. Mineral will help to create and preserve a family, will bring love, gives happiness. If Capricorn gives ruby to someone who is deeply sympathetic to him, the stone will ignite a reciprocal feeling.

Malachite has the ability to increase spiritual power. Those Capricorns who want to conquer the heights of scientific knowledge should wear malachite.

Hyacinth will bring out the best in its owner: determination, perseverance and patience. This gem will help you during a bad streak: it will cheer Capricorn up and keep him cheerful.

The onyx stone can bring good luck to Capricorn Protect from enemies' attacks and attract good luck with onyx. This mineral will have a strengthening effect on the nervous system. Onyx in a ring will give Capricorn forces to defend their interests. The gem will get rid of insomnia, anxiety and fear.

Zircon will be able to give self-confidence and optimism. This stone will develop Capricorn's intuition.

Jade is one of the strongest Capricorn amulet stones. It especially helps those who want to change something in their lives and those who are in love. Capricorns who have deviated from the right path, jade will give a sign by changing its colour to a darker one.

Capricorn woman's birthstones

Agate gives Capricorn woman longevity and health, protects from danger and gossip, energises Garnet helps Capricorn woman to open up, teaches her to show her feelings and frees her from the captivity of public opinion. This gemstone will give a good mood, will give strength to achieve the desired goal and will prompt a wise solution to the problem.

The most suitable talisman for young unmarried Capricorn girls is carnelian. The stone will help to relax and calm down (it has a positive effect on the nervous system). The gem will help to preserve youth, will help to preserve youth and beauty, gives luck in love. The owner of this stone will get the ability and strength to fulfil her most daring desires.

This gemstone will teach the wearer not to look for tricks in every word she says, telling her which people she should trust. This gemstone will teach the owner not to look for tricks in every word spoken, will tell you what people to trust. The rock crystal will make Capricorn Woman more soft, emotional and sociable.

Agate gives Capricorn woman longevity and health, protects her from dangers and gossip, nourishes her with energy. The gem is able to make the owner more sexy, interesting and attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Agate protects the family from poverty and quarrels, establishes communication between generations. The talisman will help in achieving career heights.

Capricorn man's birthstones

Rauchtopaz will enhance the logical thinking and intellectual abilities of Capricorn Man Rauchtopaz will work well with Capricorn Man. The gemstone will enhance logical thinking and intellectual abilities. Rauhtopaz will make Capricorn less jealous, bigoted, reduce the amount of selfishness. The stone is able to relieve stress and adjust the owner to the perception of new information.

Capricorn man to become a true leader, the head of the team is hindered by external arrogance and reticence. Onyx will make these traits less obvious, will help to become its owner more benevolent and responsive. The talisman will protect Capricorn from dangers, accidents and disasters.

Chrysoprase will help Capricorn Men associated with business: the stone will give determination and courage to introduce reforms in their organisation, helping them to adapt to the world of commerce, where changes occur regularly. The talisman has the ability to enhance physical energy and strengthen both health and spirit. Jewellery with this stone will protect against conspiracies, the evil eye, and spoilage. Chrysoprase will bring the Capricorn Man the recognition he needs.

Stones that are contraindicated for Capricorns

Capricorn better not deal with the stone citrine Capricorn is the opposite of Cancer, so he should not wear stones suitable for Cancer. These are all opaque and white gems. In addition, Capricorn is not recommended to wear beryl, aventurine, pearls, emerald, moonstone, chrysolite and turquoise. A Capricorn woman who wears pearls risks becoming unhappy in love.

Capricorns are not recommended to wear sapphire: this stone will turn the representative of this sign into a cynic, conservative and retrograde. Sapphire will only take away Capricorn's energy without giving anything in return.

Citrine is a stone of excitement and vice. It will show Capricorn the wrong direction, from which then the representative of this sign is unlikely to be able to get off. Citrine will turn Capricorn's purposefulness and calculation into unjustified stubbornness, deceitfulness and cunning.

Emerald transforms the mysterious and secretive Capricorn into a real hermit, who will lose interest in everything and go deep into his experiences. Representatives of this sign lack sensual energy and intuition to use emerald as a talisman and amulet. The stone will draw out of Capricorn those emotions and feelings, which he already has in short supply.

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