The sacred power of semi-precious stones is recognised by all astrologers and is taken into account even by the most ardent nihilists. Opinions about the specific action of each natural mineral in certain conditions may differ, but the influence of the stone on the representative of a particular sign of the zodiac is beyond doubt. One and the same stone can in one person to develop positive qualities, and in another only suppress them. In order not to unknowingly make a harmful gift to yourself or a loved one, it is better to find out which stones will become a talisman, which are simple jewellery, and which will bring only harm.
A person born under the sign of Aries, is characterised by confidence in their abilities and the rightness of judgement, persistence in achieving the goal, high efficiency and active life position. Aries energetic and sociable, loving attention and able to create a good reputation for themselves. They are loved for their positive mood, faith in a bright future and straightforwardness. However, the ego of Aries can easily reach tactless selfishness, and excessive emotionality and impulsiveness often interfere with the completion of the case.
Aries talisman stone should not conflict with the inner world of the owner, but should restrain the manifestation of negative character traits that interfere in public or private life. Astrologers recommend fire Aries stones with strong energy: ruby and diamond, as well as zircon and citrine. The use of other minerals as faithful amulets depends on the individual characteristics of the personality and the date of his birth.
Choosing a birthstone by date of birth
For Aries horoscope, rock crystal is very suitable. Depending on the date of birth Aries can be patronised by Mars (21.03-31.03), Sun (01.04-11.04) and Venus (12.04-20.04), which form three types of sign: purposeful and narcissistic egoists, noble and loyal family men and passionate and romantic adventurers. In each type there are typical traits of Aries, but they have different degree of expression.
Agate, quartz, jasper, tiger's eye, serpentine, rock crystal, carnelian, amazonite and haematite are good amulets for Mars favourites. For sunny Aries, sardonyx, cat's eye, heliotrope, amber and pearls are suitable. Diamond, garnet, zircon, ruby and sapphire will be a win-win for those under the power of Venus.
Among astrologers there is disagreement on the allocation of the most appropriate sign of gems, and to understand the individual manifestations of temperament is very difficult. Therefore, this division is recommendatory, not prescriptive.
Stone talisman for Aries
For Aries according to the horoscope, the stone diamond is suitable. When choosing the ideal talisman, it is necessary to take into account that such solar colours as red, yellow and orange enhance the energy of the fiery sign of the zodiac, and green, blue and blue do not allow certain character traits to develop to their negative manifestation.
Thus, if some features of the sign manifest themselves too sharply and carry a negative connotation, it is better to choose stones with green, blue, light blue colouring or colourless.
Blood ruby gives vitality to conquer the peaks, activates mental activity and helps to quickly recover. Less saturated shades of ruby have the same properties, but restrain aggression and excessive emotionality. A transparent and durable diamond gives confidence and strengthens character, but it is not suitable as a talisman for young unmarried girls.
Agate as a talisman is suitable for students born under the sign of Aries. It helps to concentrate attention on studies, develops self-organisation and restrains the impatience of its owner.
Aries often take risks without assessing their capabilities, so they need a stone-protector mysterious Labrador. Amethyst will help to reduce aggression and sharpness in communication with close people.
Stones for Aries women
The garnet stone is suitable for Aries women. It is recommended to wear diamonds, garnet, ruby, amethyst and rauchtopaz for bright women of the sign. Green diamond is a symbol of femininity and motherhood. Juicy garnet will help you find love and harmony. Amethyst is a stone of fidelity, develops female intuition, but for Aries is allowed only in lilac. Rauchtopaz helps to preserve the love of spouses.
It is good for young women to wear transparent zircon, while yellow zircon is preferable for mature women. This stone gives strength and saves from depression.
Red jasper is a good choice for career and businesswomen, as it helps them to plan their day and distribute their energies in such a way that they have enough time left to create home comfort and tenderness for their loved ones. After all, Aries women are completely immersed in work, forgetting about the family.
Stones for Aries men
Ruby is suitable for the Aries man according to the zodiac sign. For all representatives of this sign is characterised by the development of leadership qualities. In men this character trait is more pronounced, they always take the position of commander and organiser. A good talisman for leaders will be ruby, as well as garnet.
The choice of setting for the stone should be treated responsibly. Gold and platinum are inadmissible for Aries energy.
If a man aspires to the top of the career ladder and wants to be realised in a certain activity, it is better for him to wear a stone on his index finger. For romantic men looking for true love, it is better to buy a piece of jewellery in the form of an amulet or a pendant. For tough and irascible men, it is recommended to wear amethyst, which humbles anger and helps to establish relations in the family. Its properties are strengthened in a silver setting. According to legend, this stone protects from alcohol intoxication, keeping a clear mind.
Additional power acquires any stone, if it has an engraving with the image of the ram, owl, wolf or rune.
Stones that are contraindicated for Aries
The opal stone is contraindicated to Aries by zodiac sign. It is quite possible that among the preferred gems Aries will not find a stone to his liking. In such cases, it is better to listen to your intuition and choose what will be to your liking. However, there are stones that should be avoided by Aries. These are those natural minerals that are attributed to Libra: coral, opal, lapis lazuli, chrysolite, malachite, beryl. Rhodonite and aventurine products are contraindicated.
For impulsive and aggressive representatives of the sign it is desirable to choose a ruby of pale shades or transparent.
It is undesirable for Aries to wear stones of cold shades symbolising the water element. Such jewellery will conflict with the fiery nature of the wearer and violate his harmony. Black, dark green and dark blue colours of stones do not correspond to the open character of Aries.
Even after studying the advice of astrologers, it is difficult to stop the choice on any one talisman stone. It should not be done. In different periods of life and in different situations may require the strength and support of different gems. It is useful to have several jewellery pieces, but you will have to wear some of them separately. Many stones with strong energy do not tolerate the neighbourhood of other stones (for example, ruby). Others, on the contrary, are successfully combined in one piece of jewellery, increasing their influence on a person.
Choosing a souvenir or natural stone jewellery by zodiac sign should be multi-leveled. A person, like a gem, has a complex internal structure, which manifests itself in different ways in the process of life. At the first stage one should discard those stones that are contraindicated. At the second stage, choose those that would help in the development of any qualities of character, would serve as a support and support. After that we sift out unsuitable colours and shades. The next stage is visual perception. No one can be forced to wear something he does not like. This will already cause internal contradiction. When the stones that are pleasing in appearance are chosen, you can begin a detailed study of the influence of each stone on the representatives of a particular zodiac sign, taking into account the gender.
The use of natural stones as a gift is quite original, but requires great responsibility. It can be very difficult to guess their preferences, so don't be in a hurry to buy the first thing that catches your eye. All Aries appreciate attention to their person and a gift chosen with attention to the smallest details will not leave them indifferent. However, if there is a mistake in the choice, the straightforward Aries will not be stingy on eloquent comments.