Smoky quartz, rauchtopaz or morion is a type of quartz mineral that can be colored from light gray to dark gray and brown. Despite the fact that the mineral is called rauchtopaz, it has nothing to do with the topaz class. In its composition and structure, rauchtopaz is closest to such minerals as rose quartz, amethyst, rock crystal and citrine. Morion and rauchtopaz are often used interchangeably. They do have their own distinctive features. They can be distinguished by their transparency. Morion has much less transparency, while rauchtopaz is almost perfectly transparent. Rauchopaz deposits can be found in the United States, Spain, Russia, Japan, Madagascar, Namibia and Brazil.
Rauchtopaz: medicinal properties
Rauchtopaz is credited with a stable healing effect. This is especially true for various depressive states, as well as a tendency to suicide. People who are prone to such states are best off buying rauchtopaz jewelry and wearing it during periods of exacerbation or peaks of illness. When the disease makes itself known in full force, according to experts, it is enough to simply squeeze the mineral in your hand and ask it for help. In addition to depression, rauchtopaz copes with such diseases as drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking.
Rauchtopaz: magical properties
Of all the minerals with a dark color, rauchtopaz is considered the most powerful. In the old days, it was believed that rauchtopaz jewelry was able to condense and splash out the darkest forces, so rauchtopaz most often served dark magicians. Also, rauchtopaz was used to summon the souls of the dead. Through a rauchtopaz crystal, black magicians cast a spell, and also attracted people to themselves and subjugated their will. Rauchtopaz balls were and continue to be widely used by magicians, oracles and fortune tellers. Manuscripts from the Middle Ages often mention various kinds of information that boils down to a warning against using rauchtopaz in black magic. Chroniclers claim that such a process can cause a negative reaction directed at the owner of the mineral. As a result: a distortion of reality, disfavor of the "powers that be", as well as evil ... both as an immaterial manifestation and as a very real force. If you use rauchtopaz for good, with pure thoughts, it can activate a person's strengths, make him more purposeful, persistent, capable and strong. In addition, jewelry made of rauchtopaz can have a beneficial effect on the mineral's owner's sex life, as well as teach him to work tirelessly and squeeze out the maximum benefit for himself.
Amulets, charms and talismans made of rauchtopaz
Speaking of stars, people born under the signs of Scorpio and Libra are recommended to buy rauchtopaz jewelry. There are no restrictions for other signs of the Zodiac. Rauchtopaz will help them to reveal their creative potential, and will also help to cure stress and migraines. Only Cancers are strictly forbidden to wear rauchtopaz jewelry. If you use rauchtopaz jewelry as a talisman, the mineral will help to develop the abilities inherent in nature, teach wisdom, attract success and luck to the house, and will also arouse sympathy for the owner of the rauchtopaz jewelry.