
Stones for Gemini


Gemini - a very versatile, fickle and active people who are able to do, not only different things, but also to do them at the same time. This sign is governed by Mercury. Gemini seek to constantly reconstruct their lives, to extract from it all outdated, monotonous and ordinary, fill in with something interesting, new and different.

Waiting long for success is not what Gemini wishes. The representatives of this sign can not fit in their heads, how can you engage in the same activity for a long time. From this it is clearly seen that Gemini are not distinguished by patience and perseverance, so they often throw things unfinished. These people are difficult enough to achieve success in life - hinder such qualities as fickleness, impatience and frequent worries in an empty place - it is easier for them to take what goes into their hands or initially lies on the surface. However, defeats and failures are not able to spoil the mood of representatives of this sign or reduce their activity: Gemini will always try to jump above their heads.

Impatience, nervousness, impracticality, instability and lack of commitment are the main negative character traits of Gemini. The positive ones include sociability, freedom from prejudice, quick adaptation to new or changed conditions, objectivity, intuition, versatility, tact and ingenuity.

Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (decade)

Malachite is the most suitable horoscope stone for Gemini. Twins of the first decade (born from 21 to 31 May) are protected by Jupiter. These people have perfectly developed both intuitive and logical thinking. Such stones as malachite, rock crystal, obsidian, agate, moonstone, jade and amazonite will be useful for Gemini of the first decade.

The second decade of Gemini begins on 1 and ends on 10 June. People born at this time are patronised by Mars. As a consequence, Gemini second decade is characterised by selfishness, aggression and assertiveness. The gems of these people are cat's eye, amber, opal, chalcedony, citrine, onyx, chrysoprase, jade and pearls.

The Sun is the patron saint of Gemini of the third decade (born from 11 to 21 June). These people will be able to warm their warmth to all those around them. Gemini third decade flatly refuse to obey anyone, they have strong outbursts of anger, which can not be controlled. Sapphire, tourmaline, topaz and alexandrite are useful gems for them.

Gemini talisman stone (general)

Jade will have a positive effect on Gemini. Jade will have a positive effect on Gemini. This mineral will improve sleep, will help with various diseases. It is believed that this gem is able to influence the life expectancy of the owner. However, it is not recommended to wear jade for a long time, as it attracts loneliness, which is not tolerated by Gemini.

Turquoise will be an excellent amulet for fidgety lovers of travelling. This mineral will keep Gemini on a long journey, will give energy and strength. Turquoise will be able to prevent quarrels and extinguish conflicts. The frame for this gem should be chosen based on its origin: gold is suitable for Ural turquoise, while Irish turquoise should be set in silver.

Tiger's eye will protect its owner from slander, gossip and the torment of jealousy. Gemini can use this mineral in a ring as an amulet: the stone reminds of itself in a premonition of trouble - it starts to get in the way, get heavy, cling to clothes.

Gemini, making frequent trips, trading and those who often communicate with people, citrine will be of invaluable help: women it will sharpen intuition, and men will be luckier in financial matters. This gem is best worn as a pendant.

Obsidian will protect from grave misdemeanours and crimes: it will make Gemini become more cautious in words and deeds. A ring with this gemstone will help the owner to gain the upper hand over aggression, will show the owner his shortcomings.

Gemini will be protected from absurd and unpleasant situations by faceted rock crystal. This gem is able to improve memory and help in any work. Rock crystal allows you to look at the circumstances from the outside and soberly assess the situation. The stone sharpens the thinking process.

Amethyst will help Gemini to make high-ranking friends and establish necessary contacts. The gem will help to discover the secret plans of others. The owner of this mineral will always be full of strength and vigour, and shielded from fussy and unnecessary thoughts. Amethyst set in silver will be a reliable talisman for Gemini.

Sick and weak Gemini can be strengthened by agate. This gemstone will help creative natures belonging to this sign to realise their plans and designs. Agate is able to develop judgement, responsibility and attentiveness, which Gemini is extremely lacking. Products with agate are more effective to wear in a bracelet or ring on the left hand.

Stones for Gemini women

The most needed gemstone for Gemini women is emerald. The most needed gemstone for Gemini women is emerald. This gemstone is able to pacify and calm girls suffering from mental distress. When the sociable fair sex lacks communication, it is emerald that will help. And at the time of need Gemini gemstone will give equanimity.

Moonstone can relieve unnecessary tension. It will soften the mood swings of a Gemini woman, attract success to her and open up ways to achieve the goal.

Pearl will protect Gemini ladies from envy and ill-wishers. The natural activity of Gemini ladies, it will direct in the proper direction, will attract to them success in love affairs and a sea of good luck. Pearls, worn in a bracelet, is able to get rid of stress.

Jasper will help disappointed in love representatives of the fair sex of the sign Gemini to return the lost feeling. The gem will also be able to give hope for reciprocity.

Stone for Gemini men

To achieve the desired Gemini will help beryl. Alexandrite will teach Gemini men to take care of nerves, do not give in to empty worries and do not worry about every little thing. The gem will bring closer to mental harmony and calm the restless representative of this sign. Alexandrite is best worn in a ring on the middle finger, at night it is recommended to remove it.

Agate will give Gemini stability and prudence, will be able to calm down. The gem will reduce the shortcomings of the representatives of this sign. Gemini associated with creativity, agate will help Gemini to find their style and achieve real success. Mineral will not allow you to throw everything at the first failures.

Beryl will help Gemini to achieve what they want. The mineral will make the fickle representatives of this sign to bring each case to the end, will teach more profitable and easier to solve problems. Beryl is a talisman of Gemini, who strive to make a career.

Stones that are contraindicated for Gemini people

Libra of the first decade will use a diamond as an amulet. Gemini should avoid expensive and heavy stones. Such minerals will deprive the representatives of this sign of a positive attitude to life and inherent in them only lightness of character.

Diamond and ruby are contraindicated for Gemini: these gems can harm health and bring trouble.

Also the air sign will not benefit from aquamarine.

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