Hot and fiery Lions obey the Sun. These representatives of the fire sign do not know doubts, stubborn and determined. Surroundings are drawn to warm representatives of this sign, but the Lions may well do without society. By nature, Lions are optimists, cheerful and sociable natures.
Representatives of the sun sign are materialists, and affluence is extremely important to them. However, they are generous and capable of broad gestures. Leo likes to relax with a bang, but he is not industrious.
Leo is also the biggest hunter of compliments and flattery. This sign is always important how he looks, because he is at the very centre of attention. On the surrounding representatives of this sign look down on, and criticism, albeit constructive, Lions perceive extremely painful.
Representatives of the sun sign are very easily carried away - both representatives of the opposite sex and new ideas.
Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (decades)
Lions of the first decade are patronised by Saturn. People born between 23rd and 3rd August need strong energetic stones that will match the strong and unruly character of these people. Such stones are tiger's eye, moonstone, jade, rock crystal, carnelian and blood jasper.
Jupiter-driven Lions (born between 4 and 12 August) need everything to obey the rules, ideally rules they themselves have invented. These people who can insist on their own, suitable stones filled with inner light. For example, citrine, opal, onyx, jadeite, cat's eye and amber.
Those born between 13 and 23 August are under the power of Mars. Lions of the third decade are the most intelligent, strong, powerful and strong representatives of their sign. They are suitable stones that are amulets of warriors and commanders-in-chief. Examples of such stones are ruby, zircon, topaz, emerald, sapphire, garnet, ruby, tourmaline, alexandrite and, of course, diamond.
Stones of the lion, as well as talismans and amulets
Amber is the talisman of Leo according to the horoscope. Amber will help the representatives of the solar sign to become generous, cheerful and generous, will give peace and joy. This stone is able to give Lions creative forces. Amber gives faith and optimism.
Topaz will give Lions optimism, chase away hatred and anger. The stone gives beauty and attraction to Lionesses, and wisdom and strength to Lions. Topaz is also able to dispel unfounded anxieties and fears. This stone will attract inspiration and prosperity.
The majesty and high status of the Lion will be emphasised by a diamond. The stone will help the representatives of this sign to establish contacts with others and get rid of outbursts of anger. It is better if the diamond will be in a light setting that will allow contact with the skin.
Heliodorus will replenish the reserves of internal energy of Lions. It will reveal the hidden reserves of the body, will give strength to move forward. Heliodor will also help to activate logical thinking. Unmarried representatives of the sun sign this stone can help to find marital happiness.
Tourmaline will eliminate anxieties and fears, this stone is good for the mind and body. If Lions want to develop their creative abilities, they will not find a better helper. Tourmaline can create a sense of security and peace, and help you sleep.
Ruby will strengthen the heart, clear the mind and give mental strength to the representatives of the solar sign of the zodiac. This stone is able to inspire Lions to great deeds.
Sardonyx will give luck and love in all affairs to Lions. This stone will protect from the evil eye and envy, will keep on the road. A sardonyx ball kept in the Lion's house will protect the family hearth and help the representatives of this sign to restrain passion.
A stone for a lion woman
A ring with jasper is an amulet for a Lioness Helodorus, flint, zircon, pink and yellow sapphires, gold quartz, amber, chrysolite and jasper are the gemstones most suitable for Lionesses. Sardonyx, garnet, topaz and ruby are also suitable for the hard-working, authoritative and commanding women of this zodiac sign.
One of the powerful amulets of the Lioness is a ring with amber or jasper, necessarily on the index finger. The stone should be set in gold or bronze, as silver jewellery will not benefit the Lioness. The ring can be engraved in the form of an eagle, lion, swan or peacock. All Lions prefer round jewellery, those that resemble the sun in shape. Bracelets, earrings, rings, necklaces and watches encrusted with precious stones and round-shaped bracelets are best suited for representatives of this sign.
A piece of jewellery with carnelian will help a young Lioness to discover her talents.
A necklace made of amber will help the Lion to get over grief and start a new life. Beads made of this stone will prompt the representatives of this sign to make the right decisions, help them make accurate conclusions, protect them from diseases and evil eye.
Pomegranate will replenish the strength of overly active and sociable, giving a lot of their energy to the woman - Leo.
If a young Lioness lacks suitors, she should wear a heliodor. Older Lionesses will love the heart-strengthening ruby.
Stones for the lion man
Sardonyx for the lion man is an amulet Alexandrite will help Lions to become a leader and achieve success, will give confidence in their strength and strengthen the best qualities of representatives of this sign. This stone will strengthen the Lion's ability to lead people, will remove the feeling of insecurity and will not allow you to feel weak.
Sardonyx is an amulet that will attract good luck to the representatives of the sign of Leo, will give him courage, courage and determination. All this so that the Lion was able to realise his large-scale ideas and plans, as well as to quickly advance in his career. Sardonyx will help to eliminate pessimism, moodiness, empty fears and indecisiveness, which representatives of this sign carefully hide.
Carneol will protect the Lion from bad luck, develop hidden talents and attract good fortune. This stone is essential for young Leo men, as they feel insecure before they have achieved anything in life. Carneol will help Lions to develop and boldly realise themselves, to believe in themselves and their strength. This stone can also teach effective communication and people management.
Chrysolite will help to improve the relations of representatives of the sun sign with people around them. This stone will help to become more tolerant, more pleasant and at the same time stronger. Chrysolite will reveal all the talents of the Lion. The impact of this stone will help the Lion to attract and win the hearts of others.
Stones that are contraindicated for lions
Turquoise should not be worn by Lions Turquoise is strictly contraindicated for this sign! Completely rid of fears and relaxed nervous system will not go in favour of the Lions. Courageous representatives of this sign it may incline to rash actions, and, as a consequence, financial losses. Moreover, turquoise will worsen relations with others and reduce efficiency. This stone will negatively affect the reproductive function, and all health in general.
It is undesirable for Lions to wear blue coloured stones. Aventurine will be involved in the appearance of complexes, shyness, indecisiveness and insecurity. The same problems will be with chrysoprase, pearls, amethysts and obsidians. These stones carry traits that are uncharacteristic of Lion natures, so the latter will suffer because of internal conflict.