
What stone suits Virgo


Virgins are extremely pedantic and the most nerdy of all the Zodiac signs. They are perfectionists to the bone. In the process of completing a task, Virgo will torture everyone, including themselves, but the work will be done on time and in the best possible way.

Virgo are naturally intelligent and witty, representatives of this sign do not have problems with memory. At the same time, they have the desire to daily replenish the baggage of their knowledge. This sign has enough diligence to conquer peaks, and enough modesty to keep silent about it.

Virgo men are extremely conservative. They are very reluctant to change their habits and plans. Representatives of this sign have a rare practicality, censure laziness, disorder, unpunctuality and do not like to waste their time.

Representatives of the sign of Virgo believe that it is more pleasant and, most importantly, more useful to spend time alone, although they are able to communicate interestingly.

Among the virtues of Virgo are such qualities as practicality, prudence, education, honesty, love of knowledge, ability to sympathise, diligence and wit. As disadvantages can be designated overestimated requirements to themselves and others, fastidiousness, pettiness, pettiness, categorical, stinginess, irritability and sometimes out of bounds conservatism.

Choosing a birthstone by date of birth (by decades)

According to the sign of the zodiac, sapphire is very suitable for Virgo. Virgo of the first decade (from 24 to 2 September) will obey the Sun. Harmony with the environment and personal peace of mind in these representatives of the sign above all. Virgo first decade conservative: change in life - not their element. For Virgo of the first decade, the following stones are suitable: jasper, moonstone, carnelian, lapis lazuli, agate, rock crystal, aventurine, amethyst, malachite and jade.

Virgo, whose date of birth is from 3 to 11 September, is ruled by Venus. The main value of these people is their own inner world, and they tirelessly fight for its untouchability. Stones of secretive and meek Virgoes of the second decade: rutile quartz, chalcedony, heliotrope, chrysoprase, jadeite, sardonyx, pearls, citrine and onyx.

Protected by Mercury, Virgins of the third decade (from 13 to 23 September) are silent and shy. Such stones as emerald, chrysolite, sapphire, garnet and topaz will help the representatives of this sign to overcome their passivity and, often, laziness.

Virgo birthstones and talismans

Sapphire ring for Virgo woman To give Virgo women humanity, a little madness and recklessness is able to jade. Jade is a stone of strength and perfection in everything. This stone will give representatives of the sign of Virgo success in love and good luck in business. Jade is very sensitive to the fluctuations in the mood of its owner - at the slightest change in the stone darkens.

Pearls will bring financial stability and prosperity to the life of Virgo. This stone will soften the hard and unyielding character of the representatives of this zodiac sign. However, Virgo with this stone should be more careful: insecure, weak people this stone will bring only misfortune. Pearls should not be worn by those representatives of the sign, whose activities are associated with travelling and children. Pearls will help people whose profession is connected with risk and people who have a business.

Carnelian has long served as a symbol, an amulet, a talisman of happy love. Representatives of the sign of Virgo, this stone is able to make kinder, kinder and more merciful, and will also help to develop intuition. Carnelian will protect from envy and the evil eye, protect from the influence of dark forces. This stone will help you to organise your activities competently so as to avoid unnecessary waste of time.

In Russia, malachite was considered a symbol of wish fulfilment. For Virgins, this stone will help them to get rid of shyness and indecisiveness, as well as to free themselves from accumulated negative energy. Malachite can calm the nervous system and help relieve tension after a hard day's work.

Yellow topaz will help Virgo to activate its creative abilities. This stone will give optimism, dispel fears, help to calm anger and hatred. Virgins wearing topaz are more friendly and attentive to others. Representatives of this sign topaz will help to concentrate, be more attentive and observant. The stone of inner enlightenment - topaz - will open the hearts of Virgins to the world.

Stones for Virgo women

A good talisman ring with emerald for a Virgo woman. The powers of chrysoprase are stronger if it is set in silver. Gold and jade is an undesirable combination, as jade loses its power in this case. In beads and bracelets pearls will have a greater effect. Malachite set in silver or copper will be of great benefit to a Virgo woman.

The most powerful amulet and talisman for Virgo is a silver ring on the middle finger inlaid with emeralds or sapphires.

Avanturine is able to give Virgo woman a good mood and positive emotions, as well as get rid of ailments. Earrings with agate will make the Virgo woman more soft and protected from unpleasant accidents. Selenite in a ring can help in times of stress and give youthfulness. The Virgo woman will appreciate the help of jade - it will be able to establish both personal life and health. Chrysoprase will serve success in studies. A piece of jewellery with sapphire will help in the fight against diseased kidneys.
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Stones for Virgo men

Chrysolite will teach Virgo men to be less categorical, increase their attractiveness in the eyes of society, and get rid of excessive conservatism, which prevents the representatives of this sign to move forward. This stone will promote intellectual development, learning and gaining new skills and knowledge. Chrysolite will help Virgo to prove themselves.

Jasper will help Virgo to maintain good relations in the family. The same stone will be able to teach the strong sex of this sign to live in peace with others and betray them for this strength. Jasper will be able to make boring and talkative Virgo more wise and attractive, and will also help in learning and intellectual growth.

Sapphire will not allow Virgo men to constantly frown and grumble, which will make them more interesting and attractive in the eyes of others. This stone is also able to help representatives of this sign in learning new things.

Lapis lazuli will help Virgo in practical activities, as well as in communication with people around them. This stone will encourage the representatives of this sign to become more open in relations with close people - relatives, friends and the other half. Lapis lazuli will be able to smooth out misunderstandings that arise as a result of too different values and outlook. With the help of this stone Virgo will be able to listen to the opinion of others, become more sociable and cheerful. This stone can also bring good luck in business.

Stones that are contraindicated to the sign Virgo

Ruby is contraindicated for the Virgo zodiac sign One of the most ardent enemies of this sign is the bright red ruby. Often this stone brings only negativity, not giving a drop of positive energy. Tourmaline and obsidian can attract problems and troubles in the life of Virgo, as well as enhance not the most favourable qualities of character of people born under this sign. Jewellery with turquoise of any shade is contraindicated for Virgo. Virgo undesirable haematite. This stone has too strong energy.

Virgo should not wear stones that are too shiny - it goes against the innate modesty of people of this zodiac sign. Accordingly, such stones as onyx, mother-of-pearl, labrador and obsidian will not be to their liking.

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