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Garnet is a mineralosilicate with an island structure. Garnet got its name from the Latin word "bagranurn". The mineral has many varieties, and, as a result, many names: Ural garnet, shorlomite, becheta, carbuncle, wormwood and venice. In addition, some minerals similar in structure, such as Czech garnet or pyrope, grossular, almandine and spessarine are also called garnets. In color, it can be red-brown, red, green and blue. The crystal is almost completely transparent or completely transparent. The main garnet deposits are located in Australia, Russia, Africa, Argentina, the USA, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

Pomegranate: medicinal properties

Garnet is traditionally used to treat bronchitis and lungs. For this purpose, it is worn around the neck in the form of a garnet pendant or beads set in silver. If you insert a garnet into gold and wear it as a ring on your right hand, on the middle finger, it can cure sore throat, tonsillitis, lower the temperature and relieve constant migraines.

Garnet: magical properties

Garnet is a mineral whose magical properties were noted in ancient times. For example, it was believed that a person who wears a garnet decoration on his body is able to control people and subjugate them. Garnet was also worn by girls who wanted to get married quickly, since it was believed that this stone was able to bring love. In the Middle Ages, in Europe, only men wore garnet jewelry, since it was believed that it was able to protect against injuries and wounds in war and on long campaigns.

Garnet amulets, charms and talismans

But still its main property to this day is considered to be the ability to bring luck, love and joy from any craft. If a person who wears a garnet decoration is energetic by nature, emotional and passionate, then the garnet increases his potential many times over and brings luck in all endeavors. Red garnet can make any woman reasonable, wise and reserved. Green garnet is the patron of businessmen and traders. It will teach them to keep track of time and distribute it correctly.

If we talk about the signs of the Zodiac, then people born under the sign of Capricorn should buy garnet jewelry. It will also be a good helper for Leo and Sagittarius. But garnet will not suit the hot-tempered Aries, who quickly calms down. The mineral needs constant emotional nourishment, which Aries is not able to provide constantly. However, Aries are allowed to wear garnet jewelry from time to time. Green garnet has a beneficial effect on Aquarius and Libra.

Garnet jewelry is strictly forbidden to weak-willed, nervous, withdrawn and envious people. As well as people born under the sign of Cancer and Pisces.

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