This transparent and surprisingly beautiful stone, which is one of the varieties of beryl, got its name because of its unusual blue colour, reminiscent of a sea wave. However, its shades can be very diverse, from greyish-blue to deep blue, which is due to the presence of various chemicals in the mineral, primarily iron.
The birthplace of aquamarine is Brazil, but today large deposits of this stone have been discovered in Russia, Madagascar, South Africa, Tanzania, India Australia and Mozambique. In nature this mineral is found in the form of rather large columnar crystals, which after processing can be given any shape. The most expensive and in demand in jewellery production are faceted stones of spherical or oval shape weighing at least 3 carats and having a deep blue hue.
Aquamarine: medicinal properties
Today, aquamarine is widely used in the manufacture of all kinds of jewellery, which are distinguished by their refinement and elegance. However, since time immemorial, aquamarine has been known for its medicinal properties, which perfectly relieves headaches and restores immunity, improves metabolism in the body, relieves fatigue and normalises sleep. Buy aquamarine jewellery is recommended for those who suffer from various skin diseases, are prone to depression and nervous disorders. For those who suffer from thyroid diseases, it is best to buy aquamarine in the form of a pendant, which should always be worn on a short chain.
Aquamarine: magical properties
In addition, aquamarine has very strong magical properties. In ancient times, it was believed that this stone is able to expose deception, protect from mental unrest and anxiety. Aquamarine is also a means of taming the water element. It is believed that a person possessing this stone will never become a victim of shipwreck and will not drown, even if he or she does not know how to swim. Aquamarine is considered to be a stone of wisdom, which is able to cool the ardour of a person, to protect him from rash actions. The magical properties of aquamarine include its ability to predict storms. If the stone suddenly changes its colour, becoming instead of blue bright green, it is a symbol of an impending storm. The colour of aquamarine can also change due to the state of mind of the wearer, as the stone is very sensitive to anxiety, aggression, anger or insidious thoughts.
Amulets, amulets and talismans made of aquamarine
Aquamarine has long been used as a reliable amulet for seafarers. It is also the patron saint of philosophers and thinkers, explorers and travellers. This stone very quickly helps to restore mental balance, teaches to easily forgive offenders and protects against deception. At the same time, to cheaters this stone promises problems and various kinds of trouble. It is not recommended to wear aquamarine jewellery and very gambling people, as in this case the stone poses a serious threat to their life and health.
When choosing a stone by Zodiac sign, it is worth considering that aquamarine is patronising to Cancer and Pisces. In addition, it is favourable to people who are patronised by the water element and the planet Neptune.