This gemstone, often called golden onion, belongs to the chalcedony group and is a variety of quartz. Translucent chrysoprase contains inclusions of silicon oxide, so its color can vary from blue and light green to rich green. It is therefore not surprising that chrysoprase is often confused with emerald. It is believed that the more saturated the color of the stone, the more valuable it is.
In the jewelry industry, chrysoprase is in high demand and is used in the production of various jewelry, combining perfectly with gold and platinum.
Chrysoprase: medicinal properties
According to ancient legends, chrysoprase has excellent healing properties and can relieve its owner from various eye diseases. In addition, it is recommended to buy chrysoprase for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and are susceptible to the negative effects of magnetic storms. It is believed that this stone is also able to restore strength after a serious illness, and the water in which it has lain for several hours serves as an excellent cure for colds. Experts say that people who suffer from insomnia due to nightmares should also buy chrysoprase jewelry. It is enough to put this stone under the pillow to get rid of unpleasant dreams once and for all.
Chrysoprase: magical properties
The magical properties of chrysoprase include the ability of this stone to bestow luck on a person. It is believed that rings with chrysoprase bring success in commercial endeavors, and pendants made of chrysoprase help to solve even the most difficult problems. In addition, chrysoprase helps scientists and researchers, travelers and discoverers. In general, this stone is considered a symbol of purposeful people who strive for new discoveries. But it will not hurt businessmen who have decided to conclude a profitable deal to have it with them, since chrysoprase can protect them from deception. However, it is worth remembering that this stone can cause harm to people who do not have pure thoughts and want to harm someone.
Amulets, charms and talismans made of chrysoprase
Since time immemorial, chrysoprase has been used as a talisman, protecting its owners from the evil eye and envy. This stone has one amazing property - if a person is in danger, chrysoprase becomes cloudy. Therefore, it is very often used as an indicator that can warn of possible troubles.
Those who choose a stone according to their Zodiac sign should remember that chrysoprase is a symbol of Aquarius, protecting them from the treachery of enemies, and also giving them courage and strength. At the same time, Scorpios, Virgos and Aries are not recommended to wear chrysoprase constantly.