
Falcon's eye

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Falcon's eye is the brightest representative of a rather rare group of eye quartz. Today, only a few large deposits of falcon's eye are known, which are located in Russia, South Africa, India and the Czech Republic. Therefore, buying jewelry made of falcon's eye is considered a great success.

This stone has a characteristic natural shine, and its shades can vary from blue to dark gray. Since time immemorial, falcon eye has been used in jewelry, and is also used to make various crafts and souvenirs. However, in India, it is treated with great reverence, equating it with diamonds and emeralds, since it is believed that the falcon eye is a symbol of the god Brahma.

Hawk's eye: medicinal properties

The healing properties of falcon eye are hard to overestimate – this stone can work miracles, raising even the most hopeless patients from their beds. First of all, falcon eye is worth buying for those who suffer from digestive disorders, are prone to stress and depression. In addition, it is believed that falcon eye helps to heal wounds and cure serious physical injuries, including fractures and ruptures of internal organs.

Hawk's eye: magical properties

Stones of the eye quartz type have amazing magical powers, and in this regard, the falcon eye is no exception. It helps its owner to easily achieve their goals, brings them luck in financial and love affairs, and also activates mental abilities and sharpens their perception of the world. The owner of the falcon eye over time acquires amazing sensitivity and can even foresee the future, which allows them to always make the right decisions and avoid problems.

Amulets, charms and talismans made from falcon eye

As a talisman, a falcon's eye is often used to protect a home from otherworldly forces. This stone promotes family harmony and financial well-being, helps to avoid damage and the evil eye. In addition, a falcon's eye is often sewn into children's pillows so that their sleep is calm and serene. It is generally accepted that a falcon's eye is a talisman of warriors, giving them strength during battle, protecting them from death and injury. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it as a pendant for people in dangerous professions. There is also a belief that thanks to a falcon's eye, you can accurately determine who is in front of you - a friend or an enemy. If a person with dark thoughts and intentions touches this stone, he will receive a powerful energy blow and will rush to leave your house.

This stone according to the zodiac sign is best suited for Capricorns and Aquarius, helping them to manage their own feelings and emotions. In addition, the falcon eye can be worn by Sagittarius and Leo, but Virgos and Scorpios should refrain from purchasing such jewelry, which will cause them a constant feeling of discomfort.

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